1. #1

    LF Players Friday +8 GMT - RMC One-shot then campaign

    Looking to start an online one-shot (3-4 episodes). Then a longer campaign. Will be using Fantasy Grounds as the VTT. I have the standard licence (will upgrade to Ultimate if it becomes necessary).

    Day of week and time: Friday 11.00-16.00 GMT
    Planned start date: Will take a couple of weeks to get organised. Aiming to start during the upcoming holidays
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Once a week.
    Term: Initially a one shot (maybe 3-4 episodes) to gauge the player/GM dynamic. Then a longer campaign.

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Voice software used: Maybe Discord or FG Teamspeak server (headset required)

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
    Number of Players in game & needed: 1-3 players required.
    Character starting level & equipment: Starting at 1st Level and basic equipment (isn't that half the fun?)
    Character restrictions: The characters used for the one-shot will NOT be the characters for the longer campaign. Mostly "good" characters but no restriction on class. No elves... <- campaign spoiler clue!

    Details of your scenario: Initially a one-shot. Will give me a chance to see how the players go... and a chance for me to level up my FG skills. Then a (mixture of low and high fantasy) long term campaign.

    Me: Long time player of many RPG's. Have DM'ed mainly AD&D, but always loved RM as a player. No experience with FG as a GM (so expect a learning curve there!).

    You: Don't take it personally, but I'd prefer mature players. No munchkin min-maxers. Must be willing to commit to the regular timeslot (when it's decided). If you could detail your experience (FG and RM) that will help.

    The aim is to have fun in the RMC world.
    You are not outnumbered! You are just in a target rich environment!

  2. #2
    Hi! Me and my friends would like to try FG. We are fairly new to DnD but we've played loads of rpgs like talisman the board game. We've tried to get a couple of DnD sessions with one of my friends being DM with success. Me and my friends are living far away from each other so we cant play very often that's why we would like to try FG. Would you like to be DM for a game and show 3 newbie DnD players how its done and whats possible with this game?

  3. #3
    Sorry, I'm not playing D&D.... the post was for RMC (Rolemaster Classic) ruleset... :-(

    Quote Originally Posted by Tardybear View Post
    Hi! Me and my friends would like to try FG. We are fairly new to DnD but we've played loads of rpgs like talisman the board game. We've tried to get a couple of DnD sessions with one of my friends being DM with success. Me and my friends are living far away from each other so we cant play very often that's why we would like to try FG. Would you like to be DM for a game and show 3 newbie DnD players how its done and whats possible with this game?
    You are not outnumbered! You are just in a target rich environment!

  4. #4
    Looks like we might have 3-4 players. Anyone else want in?

    Still at the one-shot phase, but keen to move onto the campaign after 1-2 more sessions.
    You are not outnumbered! You are just in a target rich environment!

  5. #5
    Last call... have 3 players registered with another maybe... I would prefer 1 more player.

    Last one shot this Fri night... then campaign starts in New Year.
    You are not outnumbered! You are just in a target rich environment!

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