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Thread: Zyrxog's Domain

  1. #1

    Zyrxog's Domain

    Hi folks

    New to FG, but managed to get a game up & running in no time. This is just a quick screen shot as the PC's battle Zyrxog the mindflayer (from Paizo's Hall of Harsh Reflections, the Age of Worms adventure path).

    Using the Castles & Crusades ruleset and the Octopins and Mindflayer tokens are my own creations (drawn in GIMP), and so is the map (Dundjinni & GIMP).

  2. #2've put some good work into this.


  3. #3
    Foen's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Suffolk, England
    Very neat graphics Cisticola!

  4. #4
    Thanks guys

    Forgot to mention, if anyone wants the maps for Age of Worms (just starting 'Champions Belt') and any of the tokens you'll find them here:

    Feel free to look around and hope you find these maps useful....

  5. #5
    Zeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cisticola
    Thanks guys

    Forgot to mention, if anyone wants the maps for Age of Worms (just starting 'Champions Belt') and any of the tokens you'll find them here:

    Feel free to look around and hope you find these maps useful....
    Just perused the website, you having some stunning maps good sir.

    May I enquire as to which software tools you are using, Photoshop? or perhaps one of the commercial mapping tools like Dundjinni/CC + Photoshop?

    I particaurly like the blended photo object based maps you have created, they look fantastic for battlemaps, particualrly your mountain pass and city scene maps. Just wonderful. I also like some of your hand drawn maps too, very pleasing to the eye with very good use of colouring.

    Do you create all your own mapping objects? Or do you use pre-made ones?

    As one aspiring mapper to an acomplished one many thanks for sharing.
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    * All fluid by nature and therefore subject to change.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by zephp
    Just perused the website, you having some stunning maps good sir.

    May I enquire as to which software tools you are using, Photoshop? or perhaps one of the commercial mapping tools like Dundjinni/CC + Photoshop?

    I particaurly like the blended photo object based maps you have created, they look fantastic for battlemaps, particualrly your mountain pass and city scene maps. Just wonderful. I also like some of your hand drawn maps too, very pleasing to the eye with very good use of colouring.

    Do you create all your own mapping objects? Or do you use pre-made ones?

    As one aspiring mapper to an acomplished one many thanks for sharing.
    Alot of questions there....

    I use Dundjinni and GIMP mainly, Dundjinni to do the outline of the Dungeon etc. (bit like using graph paper) and also walls (as this would take to long to replicate in GIMP). All the detail is put together in GIMP and of course the lighting effects. The Dundjinni software is a good place to start and does produce very good maps quickly.

    The scenery is normally rendered with Bryce (i.e. those mountain pass maps). Love Bryce, and have been known to spend days making my own textures and rendering weird landscapes (half of which I never use)....

    I have a huge collection of mapping objects, collected over a long time from the Dundjinni forums, although I do make it a principal to create one a two new objects everytime I do a map, that way I can give a bit back to the Dundjinni community. Some of my Call of Cthulhu maps are made entirely from my own art though......

    Hope that answers your questions....

  7. #7
    Cisticola... I recognize you from the Dundjinni forums and won't hesitate to lavishly praise your maps, many of which I have used! Keep up the good work and welcome to the FG2 community. I don't doubt your contributions are most welcome here.

  8. #8
    I like the theming you did to FG as well as the maps/tokens. Is that a custom theme that you made? Which ruleset?


  9. #9
    Foen's Avatar
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    Suffolk, England
    It looks a bit like Shaintar (Savage Worlds fantasy setting) but the combat tracker looks more like d20.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by moon_wizard
    I like the theming you did to FG as well as the maps/tokens. Is that a custom theme that you made? Which ruleset?

    Its actually the Castle & Crusades Ruleset. The one thing I noticed when I first ran this ruleset was how WHITE everything was, literally a white screen. I picked the yellowish theme mainly because of the CoC Players Handbook I was looking through at the time (it has the same picture & colour theme on the cover).
    Last edited by Cisticola; September 15th, 2009 at 21:35.

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