5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    Default unidentified name for NPC images

    I noticed the problem with the Rise of the Runelords module (all chapters), not sure which other modules are affected.

    Most NPCs/monsters have an associated image, usually under the notes tab. In the RoTRL modules, possibly because of the recent changes in handling the identified/unidentified status of records, the unidentified image name has the same value as the identified name. I don't remember noticing the problem before - perhaps with the change whenever the unidentified name was not explicitly set it was defaulted to the identified name? Not sure.

    This is a bit of a problem: I usually want to show players the image so they know what they are looking at, but they should not know its name. Of course it is something which could be fixed manually each time, but it is one extra thing to think about and easy to forget while playing, and should not be necessary for a purchased module.

  2. #2
    I'll bump this since I find it annoying. It's not a problem which affects all the NPC images, but quite a few of them, Tentamort is an example. If it is a problem with older adventure modules than other titles may be affected.

  3. #3
    We notified the developer of the DLC for this issue last week; but haven't heard back yet. It seems to be limited to the images for this adventure, since the data was populated into the unidentified field as well as the name field. I'm not sure the reason, so that's why we forwarded to the DLC developer.


  4. #4
    Sorry, the notification of the bug got caught in my spam filter so I didn't see it until JPG prodded me last night.

    I deleted all the nonIDNames, which will reset the images to show the players the standard "Unidentified Image/Creature" message when you share the image to your players.

    I also noticed that the NPCs were set to identified by default so I moved them to unidentified.

    I checked in the fix so it will go live the next time there is an update push.

    Developer for lots of adventures, particularly 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Pathfinder 2E

    Timezone: US Eastern Time
    Ultimate License Holder

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by sciencephile View Post
    Sorry, the notification of the bug got caught in my spam filter so I didn't see it until JPG prodded me last night.

    I deleted all the nonIDNames, which will reset the images to show the players the standard "Unidentified Image/Creature" message when you share the image to your players.

    I also noticed that the NPCs were set to identified by default so I moved them to unidentified.

    I checked in the fix so it will go live the next time there is an update push.

    I had a quick look and all seems good now, thank you

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