1. #1

    Button colours in Wizard's Desk 5E theme


    I bought the 'Wizard's Desk' theme a while back, and I use it in all my games. I really like it apart from a couple of things. One of those causes me a bit of confusion in-game, and I was hoping that there could be an adjustment made to improve things?

    My issue is with the colour of the buttons. The unselected state is a lovely light green, but the selected state is a parchment colour. As it is a much less saturated colour, my mind always interprets it as the unselected, rather than the selected, state. In the image below, Portraits is selected; tokens, images and all are unselected.


    The map buttons get quite confusing (again, I always interpret the more saturated green colour as on and the parchment as off - the exact opposite of what it is!)


    Could the 'selected' state be changed, perhaps to a darker green? Poorly photoshopped idea:


    Thanks for your attention

  2. #2
    I have pushed an update for this theme. Please run a new Check for Updates.


  3. #3
    Thanks, Moon Wizard. The extra saturation helps. I just need to get my head around 'red' for 'on' and 'green' for 'off' now, and I'm sorted!
    I appreciate you looking at it.

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