Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    How to set Ongoing Darkvision for a Token?

    I've been experimenting with adding different lighting Effects in the Combat Tracker and making good headway. I'm aware of some of the issues; i.e. having to re-share a map when lighting is switched off and then back on by a player, etc. While I've been able to add Darkvision for a PC's token via the Map Lighting toolbar, I haven't been able to figure out how to add it as an effect to a PC or NPC? It's not there as an option in the Effects menu, so is there some text syntax I can manually enter instead?

    If anyone knows how to do this, I'd appreciate knowing how.

    [Edit] I saw these v4.1 beta notes form March about the rulesets for which Darkvision would be recognized when it's a sense. So does that mean that as long as a PC or NPC has Darkvision 60 or Darkvision 120 in their Senses entries, they'll have that ability when Darkness is enabled on a map?
    Last edited by kronovan; May 18th, 2021 at 23:31.

  2. #2
    Make sure you are not running any extensions; as they may be preventing the vision/lighting effects from applying. (Or at least test in empty campaign to verify for yourself, then figure out which one is blocking.)

    For the Senses field, the vision/lighting parsing is looking for: Darkvision #
    For an effect to apply, the format is: VISION: # darkvision


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Make sure you are not running any extensions; as they may be preventing the vision/lighting effects from applying. (Or at least test in empty campaign to verify for yourself, then figure out which one is blocking.)

    For the Senses field, the vision/lighting parsing is looking for: Darkvision #
    For an effect to apply, the format is: VISION: # darkvision

    Excellent stuff, thanks for the reply Moon Wizard.

    I've just been doing a new test in a bigger map and the Darkvision 60 does seem to be automatically working correctly, as are the lights for 2 of the PCs, which I have enabled via the CT. Terrific stuff and I'm really looking forward to intro'ing my players to it in a few hours.

  4. #4
    Thanks for this! I was struggling to figure out how to code for Darkvision!
    Daniel A George

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