Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #51
    Just pushed a fix for this so it now hopefully works alongside the Combat Automation extension.

    Cheers, Steve.

  2. #52
    New QoL update to the undo extension, all connected clients are now notified when the GM uses undo.

    Cheers, Steve.

  3. #53
    With the recent update to the Aura effects extension, this extension and that one don't play nicely together at the moment.
    I'll maybe get chance to look into it this weekend and hopefully come up with a fix.

    Cheers, Steve.

  4. #54
    Love the extension!

    Just realized that it doesn't seem to work with hstealtemp as a damage type (gain temp hp equal to half the damage done) from the Constitutional Amendments Extension.

    I get the "Undo Completed" message, but neither the damage nor the temp hp gain is reversed.

    I would guess there is the same issue with the other similar damage types from CA, but haven't had time to check.

    This doesn't come up terribly often, so it's not a huge deal, but I did want to report it in case you deem it worth pursuing compatibility.


  5. #55
    Thanks for the heads up.
    I'll add it to the list to look at when i get chance

    Cheers, Steve.

  6. #56
    Is this still supported? It appears the update was over 300 days ago.

    I get the message "There is nothing to undo." I find this extension useful and I hope it is looked into.

  7. #57
    Still working ok for me.
    You'll have to elaborate a little on how/why it's not working for you.

    Cheers, Steve.

  8. #58

    I right click the NPC in the CT and I get the message Nothing to Undo when I click Undo. I'm sure it is a conflict with an Extension and I will see about checking into that at some point.

  9. #59
    It looks like this is another extension causing the undo ext not to work. I've just tested with a fresh campaign and only the undo extension loaded and it works fine.
    If you get a chance could you list what extensions you're currnetly running?

    Cheers, Steve.

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