5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    LFP Looking for players Monday nights (AEST) for DnD OSE: The Halls of Arden Vul

    FG License: Free game GM with Ultimate license
    Game System: Old School Essentials/ BX DnD

    Time Zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) UTC/GMT+10 - from 8pm- 11.30pm
    Day of week and time: Every other Mondays from late May and PBP (see below)
    New game: planned start date: End of May
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Fortnightly, every other week
    Term: LongTerm looking for more dedicated players to join a group with a longer term focus

    Text or Voice: Voice on Discord in English and PBP
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 40:60
    Number of Players in game & needed: have a few already looking for 2-3 more
    Character starting level & equipment: Starting level 1 using OSE Advanced and extra official classes
    Character restrictions: tba

    Who hasn't heard of the Halls of Arden Vul? A once-grand city perched high atop a cliff face, laid to waste and abandoned during a civil war that broke an Empire's back; now home to untold riches, ancient power long buried and challenging mysteries.

    The Halls of Arden Vul is a setting for a megadungeon. It's a place to explore, full of ancient mysteries to uncover, lost treasures to retrieve, and whole societies of intelligent monsters to bargain with - or scheme against. The main theme of the campaign is discovery: if you don't like exploring forgotten places and dungeons, recovering ancient lore, and figuring out mysteries, this is not the campaign for you.

    The campaign we will play does have a great story too and you have to survive through brutal old school play to uncover plots, history points, old secrets and a few big dark mysteries of the entire Arden Vul story.

    Fortnightly Campaign Sessions and PBP:

    This will be a fortnightly online session is 8PM to 11PM-12AM Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on Monday evenings using Fantasy Grounds and Discord (Voice)

    We will be playing with the Old School Essentials rules including Advanced and other house rules from their official content.

    In between campaign sessions some relaxed PBP on discord play including admin, travel, story, party development and maybe some play as the campaign progresses.

    About me: I am a long time DM, over 20 years from Basic onwards and also DM a 5E group also. I enjoy running games for players that enjoy having fun through role playing.

    Looking for: 4-5 dedicated old school players who want to form a longer term group and like role play of their characters. This setting is actually very deep. Where you also may (will likely) lose a few characters along the way but one will get through to true greatness (hopefully).

    Those who are interested should direct message me and/or flag interest in applying to join this campaign by reply to this post. Will be starting late May at the latest. Applications will be sent to interested players before then

  2. #2
    Hey Bucephalus, are you talking like Blue Box basic edition?

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