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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Garsun View Post
    I would be curious if you could confirm that this would work with a standard user as well as the admin user.
    If it’s not too much trouble, it’s easy to create a throwaway standard user account to sign into and test. Although I don’t know how hard it would be setting up the dropbox in this standard users account… might make it more trouble than worth.
    I am security conscious and never use the admin account for any real work. it’s just there for admin stuff. All my email and everything else is assigned to the standard account where I do my work. Which is probably where the problems started since I suspect most people just have the one account as admin and use it for everything. Yes, I’ve been, probably correctly, called paranoid.
    I gave it a quick try but indeed this is a bit annoying to setup as I would have to change quite a few folder permissions to access the dropbox FG folder from the other account and I'd prefer not to do that. I believe it would work but can't be sure without trying, sorry.

  2. #12
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snupy View Post
    Indeed. But with Dropbox for each file you can specify if you want a local offline copy to be kept or not. For the FG folder I do keep the local offline copy and the cloud essentially acts as a backup.

    Aside from that, the process I describe should work with any other folder one may want to use.

    EDIT: I assume that when you specify to keep the file local in Dropbox, the local file acts as a master repository of sort, and its most recent status is what is synced to the cloud. I keep it to auto sync and haven't had problems (with this or other software/files) so far, but I do not know what the inner working of Dropbox really is, so do follow Zaccheus advice if you prefer to be extra safe.
    That's not how local ("offline") files in DropBox works. This is purely a setting to save disk spcace locally by offering an option to have a small file "stub" locally (classed as "online" storage only) or have the full file locally ("offline"). It doesn't impact how DropBox processes files that change frequently - the live FG campaign files change freqently, and so there's a chance of the files getting corrupted (and this has been reported many times on these forums over the years). As has been mentioned, the strong recommendation is not to have any file backup/sync/cloud storage active on the live FG data files - as you risk corrupting those files and losing campaign data.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  3. #13
    There's a automated backup process in my sig for PC's, no idea if that would help for Mac's

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