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  1. #211
    No worries, and I can understand not wanting to do things tediously. Just wanted to let the others know that this was the reason I found, and it may have been the issue they were having.


    Ultimate Edition license holder - No License Needed to Play My Games (Need Demo Version of FG Downloaded)

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EDT) United States; GMT -4 hours

    Game in Progress: AD&D 2e - Against the Zhentarim

  2. #212
    Thank you Gunbunny

    As of 4.24.24 - I am putting this extension up for adoption and focusing my efforts elsewhere. The project (originally written by Sterno) - is open source on GIT.


    Message me personally if you're interested in taking over and I will arrange the ownership switch with SmiteWorks.

    Thank you.

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