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  1. #191
    I don't know the Ruleset Wizard at all, so can't really say.
    This was originally created as an extension not as a Ruleset.

  2. #192
    I was trying to load the Shadowrun 5e Dice Roller extension, so I copied it to Fantasy Grounds Unity\extensions, but I don't see it on the list of extensions in FGU. Is it not compatible with FGU? What name will it show up as on the extensions list (e.g., the old SR5e extension is listed as MoreCore - Shadowrun 5e; other extensions are "Feature: [blah]"). I'm pretty sure it's not on the list, but maybe I'm just blind to it?

  3. #193
    Quote Originally Posted by rmilmine View Post
    I don't know the Ruleset Wizard at all, so can't really say.
    This was originally created as an extension not as a Ruleset.
    not sure how to look for the newest 4ed compatible shadowrun rulese - is this one compatible?
    I looked here, but it is already buggy and not updated:


  4. #194

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by micael View Post
    not sure how to look for the newest 4ed compatible shadowrun rulese - is this one compatible?
    I looked here, but it is already buggy and not updated:

    I use Foundry Virtual Tabletop to play Shadowrun as it has a usable Shadowrun 5E ruleset. And a 6th edition as well.

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