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  1. #1

    LFP for Curse of the Crimson Throne Pathfinder Original Adventure Path

    Hello everyone, I hope this day finds you well. I am planning to run this AP, have Two players, need to spark up interest for a few more. Will take up to six maximum.


    FG License: I have ultimate, all YOU need is the Demo
    Game System: Pathfinder

    Time Zone: Eastern US
    Day of week and time: Wednesdays at 7 PM time can be adjusted by an hour either way
    If new game, planned start date: Immediately
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly for about a four hour session.
    Term: Until the AP is over or I drive you all insane

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Main Language used: English.
    Voice software used: Discord, a link will be provided.
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No.

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
    Number of Players in game & needed: Two confirmed Space for four more.
    Character starting level & equipment: 1st level, basic equipment
    Character restrictions: No Gunslingers, Basic Races and Characters unless Pre approved by GM. There will be a few voice meetings with everyone to figure out the game plan. I ask there is no third party material added unless Discussed in detail with me.

    Details of your scenario: The crimson throne AP. With a few variations. New players or new to FG extremely welcome as always with me.
    Last edited by Rogue; May 29th, 2024 at 16:55.
    FG Ultimate License Holder!
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."
    Adam Savage, Mythbusters

  2. #2
    We have a wizard but could really use a healer and a rogue or ninja type! Our fighter type is probably going to be awesome
    Last edited by Grey Mage; April 10th, 2024 at 23:57.

  3. #3
    I'd love to throw my hat in the ring as long as the time can be shifted 1 hour later (6pm EST is when I get off work, but I can reliably make it one hour later). I actually played in a group that started CotCT only got a few sessions in (and I will absolutely avoid giving any hints on the little I recall of it) before real life issues put an end to it, and it'd be awesome to experience the rest of the AP.

    If possible, I'd love to run the same character I did back then, which was an Archaeologist Bard (think Bard that swaps all the performance-based stuff for some Rogue talents and features) played as a sneaky sort. The only catch is race, the character being Catfolk (and hiding it due to the attitudes common in Korvosa), but it's not like they are a particular powerhouse of a race.

  4. #4
    Cortillaen, talk to Rogue... we are flexible as to time to some degree as far as I know. Would love to have a bard.

  5. #5
    I have a good idea (I think) for either a bard or rogue. I wanna play a Drow who has made a life debt with an 8 year old little girl and her guardian because they saved his life. (he came up to the surface and walked into a bee bush) ((a bush full of bees)) he got stung so much he passed out and he was found by the child and nursed back to health by them so he owes them, a human's life is but a flash in the pan for a race that lives for over 300 years. He tries to come off as serious and interesting but gets undercut by this child every time he tries. Non evil btw.

    I can make a more common character if this doesn't meet the dm's expectations for characters.

    That character would be a human alchemist (Chirurgeon)
    Last edited by Sneakysam; April 15th, 2024 at 17:16.

  6. #6
    I have played Book One and half of Book Two of this AP, in the past. I still have my Character’s Level 1 Sheet from that game.
    They are a Half-Elf Elemental Sorcerer. I mainly play core race and class with some exceptions.
    I would like to get chance to restart and possibly finish where this character goes.
    My schedule is open for any day or time.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Cortillaen View Post
    I'd love to throw my hat in the ring as long as the time can be shifted 1 hour later (6pm EST is when I get off work, but I can reliably make it one hour later). I actually played in a group that started CotCT only got a few sessions in (and I will absolutely avoid giving any hints on the little I recall of it) before real life issues put an end to it, and it'd be awesome to experience the rest of the AP.

    If possible, I'd love to run the same character I did back then, which was an Archaeologist Bard (think Bard that swaps all the performance-based stuff for some Rogue talents and features) played as a sneaky sort. The only catch is race, the character being Catfolk (and hiding it due to the attitudes common in Korvosa), but it's not like they are a particular powerhouse of a race.
    The catfolk thing is ehhhh... but the time change....
    That is absolutely a doable thing. Reach out to me at dardarjinx on discord.
    FG Ultimate License Holder!
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."
    Adam Savage, Mythbusters

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Sneakysam View Post
    I have a good idea (I think) for either a bard or rogue. I wanna play a Drow who has made a life debt with an 8 year old little girl and her guardian because they saved his life. (he came up to the surface and walked into a bee bush) ((a bush full of bees)) he got stung so much he passed out and he was found by the child and nursed back to health by them so he owes them, a human's life is but a flash in the pan for a race that lives for over 300 years. He tries to come off as serious and interesting but gets undercut by this child every time he tries. Non evil btw.

    I can make a more common character if this doesn't meet the dm's expectations for characters.

    That character would be a human alchemist (Chirurgeon)
    I have a idea for a twist on this character, and it would fit nicely for a side quest that may come up. reach out to me on discord @dardarjinx
    FG Ultimate License Holder!
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."
    Adam Savage, Mythbusters

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Still seeking players? Preference for off-tank style martial classes or more bulky style support characters.

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