Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    DMZ Mashup module for Xcore

    place this in your Modules folder.
    Once in game ,must be using Xcore ruleset by the way -then open the Module in the Modules tab.

    It is house ruled D6 pool near future arena combat basically.
    I have just played with NPCs.
    It is really a wargame -
    you may add some rpg elements to it yourself maybe.

    I have made 3 facets to my module.
    There is NPCs ,72 in total .
    I have made Items ,basically weapons.
    I have made ROLLS -this is damage roll and armour roll basically.
    You will work out how it operates.

    Basically a weapon makes an attack roll.
    Need 1 success for a hit. LOOK closely there is a box where you write the target number for range ,as in 4,5,6 or 9. Then the roll will total how many success's at or above this number. I have given a range of 3-9 in my weapon extra info page ,you can use normal range bands if you wish -else this is just a range increment using 2 metre squares. NOTE attack rolls are exploding ,the 6 on a d6 will roll again and add to this dices individual result -ie this is how a target number of 9 for extreme range is reached.
    Every 2 success over the first gives a damage raise that cause 1 more potential damage point.
    Damage is rolled if a hit is scored.
    Each success is 1 damage point. Basically a success here is 4 up on a d6.
    Then the target gets to make an armour soak roll -
    each success mitigates 1 damage point. Basically a success here is a 6 up on a d6 roll.
    Finally damage is applied.
    NPCs or Characters have 4 hit points.
    If they take 4 damage points they die.
    That's it really.

    I have a few other basic rules as well - but not necessary to understand the function of my module.

    The CT works ,you can open sword or shield tab for NPCs.
    All the rolls should be in the SWORD TAB.

    Damage needs to be manually entered in the CT.
    You cannot drag/drop attacks -not sure how to do this -BUT doesn't matter ,my homebrew rules don't really need it.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by seanny; April 4th, 2024 at 03:12.

  2. #2
    House rules I have come up with that uses D6 Pool for ARENA Combat mainly.
    I have just played with NPCs.
    It is a near future setting with demihumans as well as limited magic.
    Else just guns really.
    Some NPCs just have a Punch Attack.

    For ATTACKS.
    the range gives the target number for the D6.

    For example a Pistol has range bands of 3 for example.
    So at range 3 ,1 square is 2 metres, then this is SHORT RANGE.
    At ranges 4 to 6 ,in range band 2 ,this MEDIUM RANGE.
    At ranges 7 to 9 ,LONG RANGE.
    At ranges 10 to 12,EXTREME RANGE.
    At ranges 13 to 15,VERY EXTREME RANGE.

    The Target Numbers (TN) range from 4,5,6,9,10 respectively for short through to very extreme range.

    I normally give a move to an NPC of
    /die 1d6+2
    Just drop this into the Hotbar down the bottom.
    You can use this if you wish ,type in chat then move to hotbar.

    Opportunity fire ,
    Normally only kicks in at 12 or less range.
    If you move within an enemies line of sight for minimum of 4 squares they can take a shot at you ,at this point, then you continue moving.

  3. #3
    I used an online AI generation tool for the black and white Counter Art.
    I think they worked out OK.

  4. #4
    I have not supplied any maps.
    You need to supply your own maps.

    Example of some features of the module ,using a map I found I had already.

  5. #5

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