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  1. #51

  2. #52

    has this been updated to Doctor Who: The Roleplaying Game Second Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    I have built a basic Doctor Who RPG ruleset extension for the Cubicle 7 RPG.
    This system is on sale right now (as at todays date: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/promo.php)

    One Raz Kabooz has uploaded some instruction on how to use the ruleset below.
    Basically you select all of your skills, traits and equipment (these are mods so select them first) and then roll on your Attribute and the system will report the success vs a standard difficulty of 12. You can change the difficulty of that one roll by adjusting the 12 in the Attributes field to the appropriate number and it will roll with the new target difficulty and then reset the difficulty back to 12.
    Raz Kabooz has also prepped 2 pregens and put together a module with Traits, Skills, Gears here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...cle-7&p=435859

    A sample character is also loaded below.

    Feedback is welcome.

    You must be running MoreCore 1.50 or later for this to work!

    Attachment 27188

    You can find the FGU version here on the Forge: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/431/view
    has this been updated to the new revised rule set and changes made to the caracter traits and skills in Doctor Who: The Roleplaying Game Second Edition ?

  3. #53
    No. But the good news is there's nothing to update. 2e is pretty much the same system as 1e as far as the actual gameplay is concerned.

  4. #54




    Issues I am having.
    (a)When I open a character sheet I get an error.
    (b)When I want to give a new picture for a character I get a freeze when I double click on the portrait box.
    (I had to get round this by just dragging a pic from assets to the appropriate position)
    (And whne I did get the portrait box to open ,it was the old style interface ,not the new interface that gives portrait/2d/3d.

    The module with Rolls seems all Ok ,I think.
    And I have imported the 3 characters as pictured.

    Maybe a slight update is required.
    Thank you for making this available.
    Really only just tried the ruleset.
    I have got some extensions ,but I dont think they are causing problem.

    Hope you can have a look at this.

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