Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #11
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Hey guys, as a heads up, the FG Forge is in active testing mode currently. This allows for both paid creations and free creations and it will contain a donation feature in the future. You can email me directly if you want to be invited to the Early Access test of this.

    Our general stance on any funded/commercial avenues outside of the forums and our official channels is that we don't support them, don't allow distribution of any paid or donation based rulesets based on any of our code, or use of our logo and name without another agreement. We view this project as something that is helpful to the community, so we would very much like to see you post those things in our officially approved channels.

  2. #12
    Thank you for making this available!

    The Gamma World 2E download looks amazing in the video!

    Craig J. Brain

  3. #13
    Based on your experience of GW 2E, how hard do you think it would be to create a set for Metamorphosis Alpha 1st edition?


    Craig J. Brain

  4. #14
    I could make it pretty easy. Gamma world was not getting much play so I stopped updating it several months ago.

  5. #15
    I didn't realize who you were. If we can publish the book on FG I'll do the ruleset. I'm sticking to rulesets (generally) in which the publisher supports getting their work on a VTT. Message me on discord if you want to discuss. Bayne#7400 or pm me here and I can send you my email.

  6. #16
    Hi Bayne I really enjoy your work. I occasionally use GW 2E.
    Now when I open it up I get a scripting error
    pts/manager_gamesystem.lua and it is calling the value fgudicevalues
    Any idea on how to fix it?
    If we do not succeed we risk the chance of failure.

  7. #17
    Hey Ditto So I stopped maintaining this close to a year ago and we have had lots of Core RPG changes since then. So no promises if something big breaks but I fixed that issue and a few others I saw.

  8. #18
    Thank you so much I will check it out.
    If we do not succeed we risk the chance of failure.

  9. #19
    Sorry for the tardy responses! I've been busy with a new job that has had me travelling and I have had my head stuffed up my backside regarding keeping track of things!

    My apologies!

    Craig J. Brain

  10. #20
    I know that Bayne is not supporting this ruleset any more. (Thanks for making it Bayne)
    I am having the same error as I did a couple of year ago. Can anyone give me a suggestion on what is wrong and if there is an easy way to fix it?
    script execution error: [string "Gamma World 2E:..pts/manager_gamesystem.lua]:36:attempt to call field 'userFGUDiceValues' (a nile value)
    Any help would be appreciated.
    If we do not succeed we risk the chance of failure.

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