1. #1

    Augmetics and Armour

    So one of my characters, after an unfortunate incident, now has a TL11 Combat Arm. Now this is in the Central Supply Catalogue in FG so that's good. The question here is, how do I get the +4 armour the augmentation provides to factor into the system under the character sheet, it seems only actual armour is counted (cloth, Reflec etc.) as does things like subdermal armour augment, but not the combat arm. Is this just an error and the CSC needs updating for this item to give it an Armour modifier or so I need to do something manually? I tried editing the record on the character sheet for the item to add the modifier, but it doesn't seem to factor in.
    Last edited by The Canterbury Tail; January 15th, 2024 at 17:58.
    Just once I would like someone to call me "Sir," without adding "you're making a scene."

  2. #2
    The workaround doesn't seem to, well, work. I've logged a bug.
    Just once I would like someone to call me "Sir," without adding "you're making a scene."

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