Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #341
    Quote Originally Posted by gbhenderson View Post
    Add me to the "Shut up and take my money!" list. Looking forward to the day you can finally release this.

  2. #342
    only 5e? Drat. Though it really wouldn't take much to make a 6e version once a 5e is finished really.

  3. #343
    Where do I get the 5e version? I don't see it in the forge or anywhere to download.

  4. #344
    Still very much waiting for this. Anything would be good.
    GM Ultimate license

    Running The DemonPlague Characters at level 12 in 51th session.

    Running a Mutants and Masterminds game in FGU

    Playing a Savage Worlds Super game in FGU

    Running a game of Fallout 2d20

    StarFinder or Star Trek 2D20 next on list If Children of Atom doesn't come out soon.

    Going to be playing in a game of Champions on FGU very soon. I bought Gm copy of FGU a while ago and he is going to start running it.

  5. #345
    Just release what you have, and maybe get community help. Its been ten years.

  6. #346

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Las Vegas NV
    Good Day All
    There is a MoreCore Champions here:
    It is 6th edition and is just the bare bones but looks like it will work.

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