Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Found Potential Bugs in CoreRPG Code

    location Issue
    scripts\manager_char_encumbrance.lua function getCurrencyUpdateFields(), reference to undefined _tDefaultCurrencyFields
    scripts\manager_calendar.lua function getDaysInMonth(nMonth), reference to undefined nYear
    scripts\manager_actor_common.lua function getSpaceReachCore(rActor), reference to undefined nDU
    scripts\data_library.lua aRecords["soundset"] setting value of nExportNoReadOnly twice
    scripts\manager_characterlist.lua function handleAFK(msgOOB), reference to undefined sUser in setUserState
    scripts\manager_characterlist.lua function getAllEntries(), returns undefined _tCharEntries
    scripts\manager_color.lua function resetUIGeneralButtonColors(), reference to undefined constant DEFAULT_COLOR_BUTTON_ICON
    scripts\manager_export.lua function unregisterPreExportCallback reference to undefined fn (should be fCallback?)
    scripts\manager_image_deathmarker.lua function getSetMap() reference to undefined s (should be sTint?)
    scripts\manager_item.lua function handleItemStringTransfer(msgOOB) reference to undefined sClass
    scripts\manager_options.lua function registerOption(sKey, bLocal, sGroup, sLabel, sOptionType, aCustom) reference to undefined default
    scripts\manager_referencemanual.lua function updateOrderValues(cList) reference to undefined kChildNodeRecord
    scripts\manager_referencemanual.lua function updateBlockImageControls(wBlock, bReadOnly) reference to undefined CaptionEmpty (should be bCaptionEmpty?)
    scripts\manager_set.lua function SetOperations:difference(vParam) reference to undefined set (should be vParam?)
    scripts\manager_table.lua function onTableRoll(rSource, rTarget, rRoll) reference to undefined sTable
    scripts\manager_utility.lua function resolveLinkedControl(c) reference to undefined linktarget
    scripts\manager_utility.lua function simplifyDecode(t, sKeyLimiter) reference to sKey outside of local scope value "tTemp[sKey] = v;"
    scripts\manager_version.lua function convertPartyItems4() reference to undefined vNode (should be vParcelItem?)
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    I've suspended support for any extensions. It just isn't worth my time anymore to have to continually update them.
    Smiteworks has a developer relations problem (perceived or real) that needs to be fixed.

  2. #2
    Probably left over variables from older or dev code. I’ll review.

    What tool did you use to find those?


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Probably left over variables from older or dev code. I’ll review.

    What tool did you use to find those?

    vscode with lua extension.
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    I've suspended support for any extensions. It just isn't worth my time anymore to have to continually update them.
    Smiteworks has a developer relations problem (perceived or real) that needs to be fixed.

  4. #4
    highlights files with potential issuesForMoon.png
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    I've suspended support for any extensions. It just isn't worth my time anymore to have to continually update them.
    Smiteworks has a developer relations problem (perceived or real) that needs to be fixed.

  5. #5
    Updated these as part of the updates today. There was one false positive (scripts\manager_utility.lua - simplifyDecode)


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Updated these as part of the updates today. There was one false positive (scripts\manager_utility.lua - simplifyDecode)

    Seems like this one is still there...

    scripts\manager_item.lua function handleItemStringTransfer(msgOOB) reference to undefined sClass

    function handleItemStringTransfer(msgOOB)
    local nodeTargetRecord = DB.findNode(msgOOB.sTarget);
    if not nodeTargetRecord then
    local sTargetList = ItemManager.getTargetInventoryListPath(nodeTargetRecord, sClass);
    if not sTargetList then

    local sItem = StringManager.trim(msgOOB.sName);
    if sItem == "" or sItem == "-" then

    local nCount = tonumber(msgOOB.nCount) or 1;

    ItemManager.addStringToList(DB.getPath(nodeTargetRecord, sTargetList), sItem, nCount);
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    I've suspended support for any extensions. It just isn't worth my time anymore to have to continually update them.
    Smiteworks has a developer relations problem (perceived or real) that needs to be fixed.

  7. #7
    I'd had looked at downstream and cleaned up; but forgot to remove the original reference. I'll catch that in next cycle.


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