Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Question Marvel Super Heroes RPG

    Has there ever been any update about being able to bring this to FG as a ruleset?

    I know that a lot of people would jump all over this (definitely myself included!), if SW could get the permissions to make an official ruleset for it, but I have no idea who owns the rights to this old RPG and whether or not SW would be able to create such a ruleset.

    I have seen a few threads on here where people shared screenshots of their own self-created rulesets, but nothing any more official than this.
    Proud Ultimate License Holder
    Also have bought a lot of other 5E and other , incl. Savage Worlds, Mutants & Masterminds, and Pathfinder 2e
    Central Time Zone (living in the USA, although born on the eastern shores of Canada)
    Have Played All D&D Editions except for 3/3.5 (am familiar with those rules, tho)

  2. #2
    Wizard of the Coast would own the rights to the game system but does not retain the rights to publish Marvel content as that license expired decades ago.

    The game mechanics could be implemented and freely distributed but the powers, characters, equipment and such would need a license from Wizards and Marvel which is unlikely to happen given the current retail value of Marvel consumer licenses. It is likely way to much for Wizards to invest in an ancient game that would see limited distribution.

    Still, I'd play it if it came to be. It was one of my favorite games of the 80s.

  3. #3
    It's on my List Of Things To Do (as a Community Ruleset - without the restricted IP).

    It is, however, a long List

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  4. #4
    You need to re-prioritize that list, Dulux-Oz... the Marvel RPG should be near to the top of it, in my totally unbiased opinion.

    Nobody has ever put out a character sheet for this RPG, right? I have not been able to find one on the forums.
    Proud Ultimate License Holder
    Also have bought a lot of other 5E and other , incl. Savage Worlds, Mutants & Masterminds, and Pathfinder 2e
    Central Time Zone (living in the USA, although born on the eastern shores of Canada)
    Have Played All D&D Editions except for 3/3.5 (am familiar with those rules, tho)

  5. #5
    Someone did take the time several years ago to convert the MHRPG FASERIP system into a non-restricted, open source IP called Four Color. I was hoping to make a ruleset conversion myself, with a full-on Marvel FASERIP version for private use complete with graphics and UI, but I hit a wall--hard--in learning how to build custom rulesets, and it's been put on the far back burner in lieu of other projects, like actual content for my gaming group. (So much respect for people like Celestian and Trenloe, though, who manage to craft them with a deft hand in spite of the obstacles; the 1E/2E implementation is ace.)

  6. #6

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