5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    LFP Learning Blades in the Dark

    FGU License: Free demo or up for players.
    Game System: Blades in the Dark

    Time Zone: Central Europe UTC+2 (GM), US East UTC-4 (players so far)
    Day of week and time: Saturdays 23:00 UTC+2 / 17:00 UTC-4
    New game, planned start date: Session 0 on Saturday 2023-10-28, 23:00 UTC+2 / 17:00 UTC-4
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Planned weekly, conflicting schedules may reduce frequency. 2-4 hours per session.
    Term: Long. No predetermined end.

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Main Language used: English
    Voice software used: Discord
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No recording, no streaming.

    Roleplay & Combat mix: At least 75-25 RP to combat. BitD does not use tactical maps and condenses fights often into 1-3 rolls.
    Number of Players in game & needed: Have 2, looking for 1-2 more.
    Character starting level & equipment: Default "level 1" start.
    Character restrictions: Human playbooks only. While mostly engaging in criminal activity, characters should not have "evil" motivation.

    Scenario: Roughly a millennium ago a BBEG succeeded with his plan to open the Gates of Death and unleashed the undead upon a world now plunged into eternal, sunless darkness. You’re playing a plucky group of criminals doing heists in a haunted industrial-fantasy Victorian-era city trapped inside a wall of lightning powered by demon blood.
    Tonally we're shooting for amateur Pratchett fanfiction. We're trying to keep it light.
    Media cited for the setting's inspiration: Gangs of New York, Heat, Dishonored, Thief: The Dark Project, Peaky Blinders

    Changes made so far:

    • Recreational substances have been replaced with contraband luxury food.
    • Demons have been relegated to background only, they aren't active agents in the game. This does not affect the rest of the supernatural elements.
    • Cults are exclusively religion-like with voluntary participation.

    Players should be:
    • 18+. While we'll fade to black if anything raunchy comes up, there will still be themes and topics for which a mature outlook might be advantageous, such as gang and class warfare, morality vs. legality, taxes, political murder, etc. It should also help limit the age-gap for pop-culture references.
    • Collaborative. Inter-PC conflict is unnecessary and players should find joy in others doing cool stuff alongside them. Killing NPCs "just 'cause" should not happen, i.e. no random murderhobos, please.
    • Easy-going. This refers to both rules-lawyering ("Hey, I looked it up and actually mechanic X works like this" is fine, arguing 30 minutes to get an extra die is not) and embracing "failed" rolls.
    • Eager to learn the system or at least be fine with everyone else also being new.

  2. #2
    Hi, I would be interested in learning this game. I'm am completely new to BitD. Have played TTRPGs since the early 1980s; mostly D&D, WEG Star Wars, Dungeon Crawl Classics. I'm very familiar with Fantasy Grounds and have been using it to run my games for the last 8 years. I'm just interested in looking at different styles of TTRPGs and listened to an actual play podcast for BitD that was intriguing. Let me know.

  3. #3

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