1. #1

    Looking for a good group who are willing to play DND official campaigns

    Good day to you all
    Am a DM who only played for 2 times and the rest am DMing
    am looking for a committed group who i can play with a DND adventure book
    that plays once weekly at least
    am very committed and my work schedule is kinda chaoitc
    but ahead of the week i can inform you if the day is busy for me or not

  2. #2
    My current campaing has gone haywire so i'm certainly intrested but I feel like most people here are american which is fine except for the time difference.
    I can't play on mondays an thursdays but the rest of the week I have time but I'm from the Netherlands so we'd have to see if that is doable if there's a time difference.

  3. #3
    I would be open hearing about options. my days that I cannot are Fri-Sun as I typically have my kids.

  4. #4
    What time of day are you looking for? I'm hoping to get something going on Wednesday nights (EST)

  5. #5
    Wednesday nights work for me.

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