1. #1
    Kungsarme's Avatar
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    Jul 2020
    Western, NY, USA

    The days wishlist and dead links

    So today me and mah dude hung out on the porch going through the things we had learned on the boards the past few days and found a few new things that we were wondering if we were doing wrong or if they just aren't, or can't be, implemented at this time.

    Base spell casting and being able to add spells to the combat tracker. While I see where I can tinker with alternate crits etc with any attack, I am curious if there is almost an if/ then type response that can be custom built into adding an attack with base spells. As we currently understand it, we can do the base spell roll that will go through the table resolver yielding the RR mod. We understand the adding of mods to that roll that aren't automatically figured (armor worn etc.) We understand where the RR table then resolves through the Result roll to tally how much it was missed by. However we are not seeing if you can add a result to that to be figured from the result. For instance, if it was Jolts I, they failed by 61 points, they are now stunned 6 rounds. Yet that doesn't automatically send that to the CT to the target. Or if he cast Shock A, and their RR failed, they would now be impacted by an A electricity critical. That doesn't automatically pop up.

    Long shot, and we didn't try this as I just thought of it while typing, but are these built into the actual spell descriptions? If I were to drag the spell to the combat section of the character page, could I drag Jolts I and it would then show that effect upon failure into the CT at the appropriate target?

    The dead link on Dakadins signature inspired this post. Is there another location to where the wishlist is?

  2. #2
    On the Combat tab of the character sheet there is a Spell Attacks button that will open a button with links that you can drag to the Combat tab. Including in that is a Base Attack Spell, but it doesn't take into account armor etc. The GM can scroll to the other tabs and select the column they want to use before using the apply button.

    There aren't effects associated with the spells yet. The update a week ago got the spell lists in a format where it is possible. It is going to take a ton of time getting all the effects code and added to all the spells in a spell list so it won't be very soon considering there are thousands of spells in Spell Law and RM Companion 1 that I will need to update.

    The link for the wishlist not working is news to me. I was just looking at it last week. Hopefully they are just having some downtime.

  3. #3
    Okay I did some testing for the wishlist and putting the URL in the browser address bar works so it is how the forums are handling the signature or at least seems to be that way. Try this link in the meantime: http://rm4fg.idea.informer.com/

    Edit: I is working from the signature for me now if you want to try it again.

  4. #4
    Kungsarme's Avatar
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    Sig link works fine now. Maybe it was a downtime thing, but it works now. Any chance you'd be okay with help on tackling those things? We are some people with a lot of spare time right now that could assist, even if it were to make it so we can pop those spell interactions out or help tackle those wishlist items? I get the vast amount of spells, however we could help to batch that together into groups for different classes, realms, or however it would be easiest for you to release. Of course you'd need to review and approve everything, but perhaps having a couple motivated dudes pounding out code might help ease the workload?

  5. #5
    Kungsarme's Avatar
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    Or as an alternative, for motivated GM's, the ability to custom build a spell on the combat tab of a character sheet.

    We're not going to individually code every base spell from the books. However, an ability to add a custom effect or result that would slide the effect to the target?

    In my previous question I mentioned Jolts I. My player selects a target, executes his base spell attack. It brings up the table resolver, I select that it would result in the general column. I hit apply. It applies the correct RR mod to the target. I hit result, and my target shows that it failed the roll by 21 points. As it is currently, I then have to select the target in the CT and apply the status effect of Stun 2 rnds.

    However, if there were an option in the base spell attack line on the combat tab of the character that I could just rename as Jolts I, using the exact same skill and values Base Spell Casting, but have a results box available in the description, -10 = 1 rnd stun to CT target, -20 = 2 etc etc...

    While each spell wouldn't have to be individually programmed, the motivated GM could enter those results into the dropbox and have that then implemented?

    A dropbox would have to consider the effects of most base spells, stun, bleed, broken limb, charmed, asleep, Hit point %, activity reduction%, plus any other host of effects that already exist in the CT effects, that can be selected as a result. So it would then go, Base spell roll > Table Resolver for RR mod > RR roll (apply) > Check against RR table (apply) > creature failed by xx (this is where we are now and is applied) but add the extra check of, if failed by 10x then stun 1, stun 2, stun 3, or what not dependant upon the dropbox selection then results in > add status effect stun x, (or sleep x, or remove 25% hp, or whatever the much smaller host of effects compared to the entirety of every spell) to target on CT.

    That way we aren't looking at 2000 spells, but looking at what, 10 to 20 different effects?

    If someone wants to use it? Cool. I might have to plug in a few spells into their combat tab every few levels. That is nothing compared to the time saved in game time.

    If you don't want to use it and just do it manually on every base spell cast? More power to you.

    Personally I think this would be an absolutely amazing feature.

  6. #6
    Good points.

    The nice thing about RM spell lists is they tend to have many similar spells with slightly different effects and the spells can be on multiple lists so the spells aren't unique in the effects they do. That will hopefully allow me to copy the effects from one spell to another. When I get to that point, I will see if you guys are still interested in helping out with it. Thanks for offering. I do appreciate it.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Reggio nell'Emilia, Italy
    Yes, why not?! :-)

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