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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Majyk View Post
    Always a tonne of folks looking to GM/play, especially with the wonderful ruleset FG/Dakadin + a few others have been cobbling together forever.

    Ardem has tacked on a RMFRP(RMSS) backend extension so if you like that flavour of RM, you can rock that game, too.

    Welcome to source games here and on the official ICE Discord servers here:
    Official =

    Unofficial but first created =

    Enjoy all the communities of RM,
    I hacked the original rulset because I couldn't figure out how to do it with extensions. I got the Combat Tracker working more the way I would like, I split the round into 4 phases and rounded all actions to the nearest quarter (which apparently is what RMU is doing but with "Action Points"). I also added a "Mounted On" drop down below the spell adders so you when you select a mount it automatically calculates the OB and MM bonuses and figure out the appropriate encumbrance and base rate for the transport. Also stopped people from attacking when stunned or attacking with a weapon that isn't equipped in primary and secondary, among a bunch of other things. Still working out the kinks but it helps running combats.

  2. #12
    I'm currently running a RMC campaign set in the Shadow World via Fantasy Grounds Unity and Discord, but I must admit that finding players can be hard sometimes.
    And while I'm not currently running a local campaign, I do also use FG to run my local campaigns since it helps reduce the time I spend looking for tables and modifiers.

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