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  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Leeds, Yorkshire, UK
    Great icons, great intermission image.
    Looks like you all have fun!

  2. #22
    Old thread I know, but still wanted to comment on those cool Order of the Stick tokens, and the intermission sign. Good stuff!

  3. #23
    I'm glad you bumped this thread. It's really cool!

    I was hoping to grab the intermission pic but it seems to be removed from the thread? Is it still around/shareable? My group would love it.

  4. #24
    Haha! I love those. I'm doing the tutorial now. I'm using CC3 to make them, exporting them to .jpg, then cleaning them up and making them into .png in GIMP.

    Do you have these tokens up somewhere for download? I'd love to do a token swap with you.
    Ultimate License
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    WFRP2 for FGI, WFRP2 for FGII, Dark Heresy for FGII,
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  5. #25
    mr_h's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    GMT -5 / EST
    Glad you guys like'em....the sad part is after I posted these, my group got extremly busy and I haven't been able to play D&D in ...gosh, a couple months? I'm having RPG withdrawl. Auuuuugh!

    I've got the Tokens at home, I'll try and remember to post them when I get home.

    As for the intermission picture, here ya go.

    DM: For reference sake, when a bad guys dies, I'll turn their token over. So an upside down 'A' or 'B' means it's a corpse.
    PC 1: So if we kill a 'M' is it reincarnated as a 'W'?
    PC 2: That damn 'O' just won't die!

  6. #26
    Ahh, thanks mr_h. Appreciate it!

  7. #27

  8. #28
    I wish I'd seen this thread sooner... those tokens and intermission map are awesome!

    I'm really glad you shared it with us.

    I was actually thinking about making a bunch of OoTS style tokens myself for general use but in the end I didn't think any one would really be interested in playing with comical tokens in a D&D setting.

  9. #29
    A one shot played with OOTS tokens in a world written along the lines of Songs Of Sorcelation would be the most totally ripped fantasy one shot ever. A one shot that takes it to the limit, extreme.

  10. #30
    If you create the adventure I will create the tokens Tenian!

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