Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by RickSaada View Post
    So is this utility still something people want? I note it hasn't really been touched in 18 months or so. I downloaded it and tried using it and got quite a few errors trying to parse any of the creatures in this thread. There were a ton of problems parsing the spell library, plus all the concentration check issues people have mentioned. I unzipped it and grabbed the lua, and went in and took a look. There's two sets of problems:

    In function linkSpellLibrary, it tries to copy a lot of fields that are apparently optional in Starfinder (targets, descriptors, area, effect). So I put in checks to ensure they exist before trying to copy them.

    In function formatSpells it expects a concentration bonus which Starfinder doesn't have. Looks like a Pathfinder leftover, as there's comments about alchemists in there. So I basically went in and commented out all the places it tries to read this, gives warning about this, or writes this.

    After making these changes, I've now got an extension that runs and generates what look to be proper creatures for the NANOBOT MIMIC , Mado, Tekhoinos, and Amanda.
    So the question is what do I do with it? I'm happy to post the functions I changed here if someone wants to fix their own copy, but I don't want to mess with someone else's extension if that's a no-no.
    Please post your version of this extension.
    FGU Ultimate License
    FG Discord - Lord_Ulric
    Time Zone: US Eastern (GMT -5)
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    Starfinder, D&D, Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, Hero System aka Champions, Traveller, and more!
    My Forge Creations

  2. #52

    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Sammamish, WA, USA
    OK, here's an updated version. I bumped the version number, and added comments with my name by all the changes I made in case someone wants to look at them. I'm more a c# person than a lua person, so hopefully I didn't do anything horribly wrong. I haven't touched lua since I worked on the Pirates of the Burning Seas MMO about 15 years ago!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by RickSaada; October 27th, 2022 at 21:34.

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by RickSaada View Post
    OK, here's an updated version. I bumped the version number, and added comments with my name by all the changes I made in case someone wants to look at them. I'm more a c# person than a lua person, so hopefully I didn't do anything horribly wrong. I haven't touched lua since I worked on the Pirates of the Burning Seas MMO about 15 years ago!
    Thank you for sharing your work! Starfinder can benefit from more extension developers. Please continue to dust off your LUA skills and contribute improving Starfinder on FGU!
    FGU Ultimate License
    FG Discord - Lord_Ulric
    Time Zone: US Eastern (GMT -5)
    Playing -
    Starfinder, D&D, Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, Hero System aka Champions, Traveller, and more!
    My Forge Creations

  4. #54
    Hi people, i usually use this ext for my starfinder games and works fine but recently i try to build a certain caster npc and it doesnt work, it seem a error happen when read th, could you help me pls (below the stat block):

    Supervisor CR 7
    XP 3200
    Small Monstrous Humanoid
    Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14
    HP 90; RP 4
    EAC 18
    KAC 19
    Fort +6; Ref +8; Will +12
    Defensive Abilities Armor
    Speed 5 ft.
    Ranged Disintegrator Pistol, Liquidator +12 (1d10 +7 A)
    Space 5; Reach 5
    Offensive Abilities Weapon
    Spells (CL 7)
    3/day - Bestow Curse (DC 20), Polar Vortex (DC 20)
    6/day - Crystal Eruption (DC 19), Force Blast (DC 19), Hold Person (DC 19), Predict Foe (DC 19)
    At Will - Battlemind Link, Lesser (DC 18), Baleful Polymorph (DC 18)
    Str +0; Dex +2; Con +0; Int +4; Wis +5; Cha +0
    Skills Bluff +19, Intimidate +14, Mysticism +19
    Other Abilities Connection (Overlord), Mindlink
    Gear Azlanti Royal Battle Regalia, Liquidator Disintegrator Pistol
    Armor If the creature is CR 3–7, add one armor upgrade with an item level equal to or less than the creature’s CR. If it is CR 8+, add two armor upgrades, each with an item level equal to or less than the creature’s CR.

    Weapon Add a ranged weapon of a level no greater than the creature’s CR + 1; this weapon can’t be disarmed. A creature with the combatant array should get a longarm, and a creature with the expert or spellcaster array should get a small arm. Add the creature’s CR to damage dealt with its weapon. The ammunition of such weapons is recovered once per day after the creature rests for 8 hours.

  5. #55
    Don't suppose anyone is still maintaining this? Just tried doing an import of a pretty basic creature. Seems to work except for space and reach. Looks like it's ignoring the values there, but in the reach note it does pull the value in there.


    N Huge animal

    Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +13


    HP 90

    EAC 18

    KAC 20

    Fort +10; Ref +10; Will +5

    Resistances cold 10


    Speed 30 ft., climb 10 ft.

    Melee claw +16 (1d8+11 S plus trip; critical knockdown)

    Space 25 ft; Reach 30 ft


    During Combat If a creature displays a genetically modifed plant, such as one taken from the lab, the megzoloth attacks that creature, or spends a round pursuing and eating the plant if it is thrown or dropped. Otherwise, a megzoloth attacks the creature that damaged it the most in the past 3 rounds.

    Morale A megzoloth flees if reduced to 15 HP or less.


    Str +5; Dex +2; Con +3; Int -4; Wis +0; Cha +0

    Skills Athletics +18, Survival +13


    Trip (Ex) When a megzoloth deals damage with its claw, it may immediately attempt a combat maneuver to trip its target.

    P.S. if I pull in the supervisor from above it does read the space and reach. Thought it might be due to the missing xp but that didn't change it.
    Last edited by celebrindal; May 21st, 2023 at 20:18. Reason: update

  6. #56
    How do I use this.
    I copied most of the last entry into a new text file and then made the extension .xml
    Is this the correct method?

    BUT I get error

    import: Missing Root Node

    in the error log.

    What am I doing wrong?
    I am using the updated extension provided by another user.
    I thought this might be more stable.
    It is called "A Starfinder CreatureGen Unity.ext".


    I was pressing the wrong button.
    This error comes from import at bottom of npc tab.

    Now I have found that there is a new button at top of NPC tab which says CCgen I think.
    This opens a text area where I can copy/paste my text.
    I will experiment further with this.
    Initially I get an error ,this time in chat window that says no defence found.
    I will keep trying.

    Looks like I am getting somewhere now -just need to work out why I got the no defence with my earlier attempt of the
    MEGZOLOTH ,since this new creature ,again from earlier in the thread works.

    Made quite a few monsters now.
    Worked out it is best if the HP total is on a new line,
    separate from word Defence.
    This seems to smooth the process.
    Else you will most likely get an error ,no defence found.

    After making a few more monsters I have found the Armour Class needs to be checked.
    The odd monster will be given 0 in both AC values.
    ALSO for some strange reason the EAC armour is set to 0 ,this needs to be manually set.
    Other than that the editor I have used seems fine ,I have now made a LOT of monsters. Just slowly checking the ACs and I am good to go.

    Looking at my screenshot ,the EAC has been correctly calculated there- HOWEVER most monster stat blocks have EAC and KAC on same line separated by some punctuation -that could be the issue ,an idea anyway. I might test this in next monster I make ,AFTER checking all my initial monsters first .
    This does seem to have solved EAC 0 problem.
    Basically separate EAC and KAC onto separate lines and remove the ";" after EAC just to be sure.
    Last edited by seanny; March 11th, 2024 at 11:02.

  7. #57
    I would like to bump this, to see if theres a chance at getting an update?

    When copying a creature stat block you often get
    Fort –1; Ref –1; Will +3
    which returns
    Fortitue Reflex Will
    +8211 +8211 +3
    and also
    Str +4; Dex +2; Con —; Int +1; Wis +0; Cha +0
    everything but con parses but con shows +8212

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