Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Interest check PFS2/SFS Gen Con Online August 3rd to 6th, 2023

    If there is any interest in SFS or PF2 during Gen Con Online August 3rd to 6th, 2023 please let me know. Please indicate timeslot preference.


    Block 2: Thursday 6pm-11pm UTC
    Block 5: Friday 6pm-11pm UTC
    Block 6: Saturday 12midnight-5am UTC (Starfinder Special)
    Block 7: Saturday 12noon-5pm UTC
    Block 8: Saturday 6pm-11pm UTC
    Block 9: Sunday 12midnight-5am UTC (Pathfinder Special)
    Block 10: Sunday 1pm-6pm UTC

  2. #2
    I’m interested in both special blocks (Block 6 & 9). I would also be interested in SFS (higher tier preferably) for Block 8 as well.
    “When you're backed against the wall, break the goddamn thing down.”
    ― Harvey Specter

  3. #3
    I would be interested in Blocks 2, 5, and 9 for PF2.

  4. #4
    Slot 6 Saturday 12 midnight-5am UTC (EDT: 8pm-1am Friday Evening): SFS 5-99: Bulwark Special (7-8)

    Slot 8 Saturday 6pm-11pm UTC (EDT: 2pm-7pm) Saturday Afternoon): SFS 6-01: Year of Fortune's Fall (1-4)

    Slot 9 Sunday 12 midnight-5am UTC (EDT: 8pm-1am Saturday Evening): PFS2 4-99: Kyonin Special (1-2)

    Slot 10 Sunday 1pm-6pm UTC (EDT: 9am-2pm Sunday Morning*): SFS 5-12: Envar's Expeditions (3-6)

    *Note the later start time on Sunday

    Gen Con Online badges will be available on Sunday.
    Last edited by stephan_; May 6th, 2023 at 09:56.

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