1. #1

    1E attack matrix issue


    I have an issue as a GM the attack matric shows all 20s and I can't seem to correct the values by manually fixing them. Iy seems to be locked and I can't change. My players seem to have no issue with their combat matrix it shows correct but when I open their characters it shows all 20 to hit every AC.

    thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Just to add it looks like if I turn off 1E/OSRIC data option it goes to thac0 and the matrix is there correct

  3. #3
    Usually the matrix only goes to all 20s if the hit die field is messed with.

    But putting a valid hit die number in that field and tabbing out of it resets the matrix, for me. At least in Celestian’s original 1E extension.

    Also be aware that if you put a very high hit die number in, the matrix can sometimes choke out. I’m not near my books, but the 1E monster attack matrix stopped progressing past a certain number of hit dice, and putting a higher HD than this into the field sometimes caused it to glitch.

  4. #4
    2022-11-29 19_23_39-Fantasy Grounds.png You can see my matrix is messed up for a 2nd level druid. I am not able to manually fix the Matrix it won't let me click in the boxes to change.

  5. #5
    It seems that you're using my extension, AD&D Options and House Rules. It also seems to be because this is a Thief/Druid. The extension tries to determine the best matrices for multi-classed and dual-classed characters and I suspect the Thief/Druid is throwing it off because I never anticipated such a thing. Could be affecting other multiclassed types, though.

    I've got a game in an hour, but I'll check this out afterward tonight. Apologies for any inconvenience.

  6. #6
    Yes I am using your extension. The 1E unearthed arcana errata from one of the dragon magazines added in Druid /Magic user and Druid/Thief for some elves. New premium 1E books incorporated that erratum. I rebuilt the character and made it Druid/Thief from scratch, and it seems it may have fixed it. Maybe I messed it up somehow or next time I level it will break again. This issue seems like it is more widespread. I took a dire wolf NPC and clicked CLONE TO PC and I get same issue. 2022-11-29 20_14_28-Fantasy Grounds.png. I am not able to edit and fix the matrix. I appreciate the quick reply and no apologies necessary. thanks

  7. #7
    If I disable that MOD I can edit the stats again.

  8. #8
    Cool, thanks for the additional info. I'll get on it

  9. #9
    I finally got an opportunity to look at this some more, since other things had gotten in the way.

    Seems I can't actually reproduce the 1e matrix 20's issue, unless I don't have the OSRIC - Player's Content module loaded (it's required for the matrices to be correctly generated) OR I convert from NPC to PC. The latter is due to some code decisions I made without accounting for Clone To PC. I'll have to figure out a way around that. If you have other information or can point out a way to reproduce it that's not from Clone to PC, I'm happy to look at that further.

    A workaround for Clone to PC is to open the NPC and go to the Actions tab to generate his matrix before you clone him.

    I do see where I accidentally set the matrix values to read-only and I've got a fix for that I'll push out in a few.

    Hope this helps for now.

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