1. #1

    Lancer RPG Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds?

    I'm posting this primarily out of curiosity, but I was wondering about the following:
    1. Has anyone created a ruleset for the Lancer RPG?
    2. Which ruleset is recommended by folks familiar with the Lancer system to use as a baseline for creating a Lancer RPG ruleset for Fantasy Grounds?

    The Lancer RPG system currently has support on Roll20 and FoundryVTT, but neither are capable of Fantasy Grounds' level of automation. I wanted to figure out the best way to create a functional prototype that could support my own games at minimum. Any advice for such development would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    Usually, people layer their ruleset creations on top of the CoreRPG layer of ruleset (if they want to build a completely custom ruleset, like the existing ones); or just play the game using CoreRPG as more of a less-automated solution. (Or there is a community ruleset called MoreCore that can be customized via smaller extensions, but might be more work to customize long-term.)

    You can borrow elements from other built-in rulesets that mirror specific elements that you are trying to create, including dice roll handlers, sheet contents, etc.

    Make sure to scan over the Developer section of the wiki to get familiar with all the concepts and APIs, if you are going to take the dive.

    Also, people are always talking back and forth on developer topics on our Discord server as well.


  3. #3
    Got it, makes sense. I'll bookmark the Developer guide and join the Discord!

    Then just to spitball ideas for if I or someone else takes the dev plunge later:
    • I believe that Shadows of the Demon Lord has a similar setup to Lancer in that it uses a d20 +/- xd6 system for attacks, skill checks, and saves? So it may be good to lift some mechanics from that system.
    • I don't know of many other systems that use Lancer's "popcorn" style of initiative. Basically, characters are divided between allies and enemies; one character from one "team" goes first, then one character from the other team, rinse and repeat until everyone has gone (skipping a team if all characters have gone). Otherwise, characters' turns are unordered (so the person who went last one round could go first the next round). If anyone knows of a system that leverages a similar initiative mechanic, I'd love to know about it (I think there's a FATE variant that does so?).

  4. #4
    There's a developer that is working on Shadows of the Demon Lord. You may have to ask for access to specific parts of the code, since that one is probably in the protected vault. (Publishers can choose whether ruleset is in vault or not.)

    For the initiative, I haven't heard of anything similar. You'd probably have to implement your own, unless you wanted to do an ordered approach. That's because "End Turn" (player client) and "Next Turn" (GM client) are tied to specific ordering of combat tracker. You'd probably have to implement your own Turn Done button, and decide if you're planning to enforce one-by-one (and how you're going to do that in the ruleset logic). Or, you could just leave it ordered, and have the GM manage the one-by-one manually (maybe with an extra Turn Taken check box to help track; I think Dune ruleset does that). Maybe someone else has seen or implemented something similar before.


  5. #5
    damned's Avatar
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    MoreCore has support for Boon and Bane dice (ala Shadow of the Demon Lord) and also has a manual initiative tracker option where you tick off each actor as they have their turn.

    Shadow of the Demon Lord will hit the store this month but it will be in the vault. You can also get an almost up to date version in the Forge for nix without any content.

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    I would personally and heartily recommend the Ruleset Wizard if you have any thoughts about taking on building a ruleset of your own.
    I have made many videos on the topic on youtube.

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