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Thread: LFG [Traveller]

  1. #41
    Sorry for the delay on the replies. I've been travelling for the Holidays WAY off the grid.
    We currently are full but I'll be posting again when a position opens up on the crew.
    Thank you for your interest in our game!
    - Savy

  2. #42
    Looking for two players at add to a crew of 3! See the details in the OP or 'below'.

    FG License:GM has Ultimate
    Game System: Traveller MgT2
    Time Zone: Central US Time
    Day of week and time: Tuesday starting 8:00 pm
    Start date: Ongoing (Currently in Session 23)
    Planned Duration & Frequency: ~3 Hour sessions, weekly (Three weeks on, 1 week off)
    Term: Long Term
    Voice: Required (English)
    Voice software used: Discord - Link provided
    Recorded: Optionally, but not so far
    Roleplay & Combat mix: This is traveller - there will be blood and death.
    Number of Players: Open for 2 players
    Character starting level & equipment: Determined during Character Creation
    Character restrictions: Human (Aslan, Vargr - are possible) Other options by request.

    If interested, please message me via DISCORD to set up a quick (about 15 min.) chat about the game and any answer any questions you might have. I may not see message posted 'here' but I'll try and monitor this as I can.
    Discord: Savoy#7976
    To join our server as a guest,

    Currently, the team has just arrived at Exeter (!-68.5!7&options=9207 ) after a long set of jumps, trading and dodging pirates along the way in their Far Trader, the Kitsune Maru. The year is 1117.39.
    Last edited by savoylen; July 14th, 2021 at 20:55.

  3. #43
    1 seat remaining, please PM in discord if interested in the last seat.
    Thanks! - Savoy

  4. #44

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Montrose, Colorado
    Wow. People playing Traveller... that's crazy. Same as everyone above. Haven't played since late 80's. Loved it at the time. Decent amount of FG experience w/ DCC and especially 5e (which is a little too 'keep the player alive at all costs' for me but it's fun). Please let me know if any space for me.

  5. #45
    Nice to meet you! We have a full crew now but I'll yell 'here' again when things open up. You know how traveller is, someone's going to die

    Quote Originally Posted by bukner View Post
    Wow. People playing Traveller... that's crazy. Same as everyone above. Haven't played since late 80's. Loved it at the time. Decent amount of FG experience w/ DCC and especially 5e (which is a little too 'keep the player alive at all costs' for me but it's fun). Please let me know if any space for me.

  6. #46

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Montrose, Colorado
    Awesome. Thank you sir. I don't ck this thing a whole lot. Will send PM with email.
    Last edited by bukner; August 1st, 2021 at 06:47.

  7. #47
    Time Zone: Central US
    Theme: Starting Pirates of Drinax-ish Arc
    Day of week and time: Tuesday starting 8:30 (Central US Time)
    Start date: Ongoing, Session 43 begins on 3/29
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 2.5-3 Hour session, weekly (but usually three weeks on, 1 week off)
    Term: Long Term
    Voice: Required (English)
    Voice software used: Discord - Link provided after selection
    Recorded: Optionally, depending on group consensus
    Roleplay & Combat mix: This is traveller - there will be blood and death.
    Number of Players: Open for - or 2 well qualified players
    Character starting level & equipment: Standard Character Creation
    Character restrictions: Human (Aslan, Vargr - others are possible but ask)

    Space is disease and danger, darkness and silence… and its out to get you.

    How to Sign Up to Play:
    1. Contact me directly via Discord if interested or would like to know more::
    Be sure to tell me your discord name (Your forum Name / Character Name - Species). I'll reply with some info. about the game and character creation.

    If interested, please message me via DISCORD to set up a quick (about 15 min.) chat about the game and any answer any questions you might have. I may not see message posted 'here' but I'll try and monitor this as I can.
    Discord: Savoy#7976
    To join our server as a guest,

    That's it - easy, peasy!

    I looking forward to this and can't wait to get started!!
    Last edited by savoylen; March 16th, 2022 at 21:53.

  8. #48

    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Montrose, Colorado


    Hey Savoylen, this is Buck. I'm DEFINITELY interested but I'm very involved in D&D 5e group playing weekly for almost a year. At some point we will get through this massive dungeon but I can't just leave a year with them (how would 'they' survive . I know you're not asking me to I just wanted to say that I REALLY want to play Traveller and if another opening is available in future please... PLEASE let me know!
    Cheers, Buck
    LOL... I thought this msg was sent to just me. My bad

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by bukner View Post
    Hey Savoylen, this is Buck. I'm DEFINITELY interested but I'm very involved in D&D 5e group playing weekly for almost a year. At some point we will get through this massive dungeon but I can't just leave a year with them (how would 'they' survive . I know you're not asking me to I just wanted to say that I REALLY want to play Traveller and if another opening is available in future please... PLEASE let me know!
    Cheers, Buck
    LOL... I thought this msg was sent to just me. My bad
    No worries... i'll post in this thread again when there is an opening. Looks like we're closed. Thanks all that PM'd and posted interest.
    - Savy

  10. #50
    I'm interested. tuesdays Central fits me well. Have character will Travell

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