Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    LFG - 1 player CST time zone (GMT-5) 5e weekends

    FG licence: Ultimate
    Time Zone: Central US
    Availability: Weekends other than AM. May be available during week, depending on day and time.
    Term: Looking for a short module not long term (explanation below)
    Voice: Can use anything you would want.
    Game system: D&D 5e
    Game system experience: 5e, 3e, 2e, 1e(called it basic in those days) D&D.
    Fantasy grounds experience: Not at all familiar, which is one of the primary reasons for the post. I have been taking FG academy classes and have an idea.
    Character type preferred: I probably have a character concept I want to try for literally anything out there, so what do you need? I do have an affinity for spellcasters.

    About me: I'm a player in his late 40's who first started playing what was called basic rules as a kid. I then played some 2e and 3e (very beginning) before shelving the hobby for something like 20 years (this seems to be a common story these days). Pandemic got me back into it. I know how to roleplay and I know the rules well enough; I'm not a rules lawyer and the DM controls the game. Game flow is important. I like a mix of everything - combat, social, and exploration, and don't mind if one of those pillars is dominant in a game session if it makes sense for the campaign and is engaging. I am now looking to get into DMing, but I need to learn the interface from a player's perspective because my assumption is that I will have to teach players in my game the software. Best way to learn that is to do it. I'm looking for a short adventure - something along the lines of Sunless Citadel or Dragon of Icespire Peak - which would allow me to pick up what I need to know (plus, it'd be fun). Lost Mine of Phandelver also fits, but I am in the process of learning the DM side of things by copying LMoP from D&D Beyond (where I bought it) into FG, and I probably know most of the module my memory at this point. I can play a game without metagaming but I admit it's easier when I don't have to. I have a video camera and am ok with using it. I'm very familiar with the forgotten realms setting and prefer it, but not a must have.

    TL/DR: Wannabe DM wants group to play to learn FG well and have fun doing it.

  2. #2
    Well if your interested I'm running a low level campaign where the PC are just trying to survive in an area filled with special goblins. Most likely not going to go above level 4-5 and campaign will end with the death of the Gobbo Queen.

    My table meets on Thrusdays at 7pm est (so 6 cst i think) and we roll for about 3 hours. Campaign shouldn't last too long but will heavily favor combat and survival.

  3. #3
    Sorry for not getting back to you; in short, I'd love to but my work is nuts right now (which is why I said weekends) and I'm not sure if I could consistently show up at that time. I'm also living in hotels frequently during the week and I'm not sure if that could work, even joining with a laptop through hotel internet. I'm guessing that doesn't work for you?

  4. #4
    Indeed If there is on thing I require of my players it is consistency. I do hope you find a good group to play with. Good Luck!

  5. #5
    we are running an RMC campaign. the players have just begun the Mega Module, G1 Steading of the Hill Giant Chief. see event link for further details. contact Immelmann on discord if interested. seat available.

    event link....

    discord invite link.....

  6. #6
    Thanks, will check it out.

    Edit: Cool place looks like but unsure if I can be there from 5:30 to 9 on thursdays with my current schedule. I like what I see though so I'll keep an eye out for more.

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