Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    LFG 1 player 5e CST any days besides Wed and Sun. afternoons-evenings.

    Howdy folks I'm looking for a campaign to join. The length of play should probably look to be at least 3 months or longer. Any lower then that, and I find I can't honestly say that I grow attached to the character I play, as much as I'd like.

    I am Ryan, 30 years old I live in the U.S. in Iowa central time zone and don't mind playing with younger players, but I've had some groups that were in that lower age range and a little too high energy for me and my speed in life.

    I'm disabled and often have trouble getting up before noon so later starting games are preferred. On the bright side I can pretty much play any day of the week besides Wednesday and Sunday as I reserve Wed for a current game I'm in and Sunday for handling the families laundry.

    I've got a web camera if you require but generally I prefer just getting on discord or your VOIP of choice.

    Generally I've done well on 3-4 hour sessions, longer then that and I tend to peter out of the energy to really be in character and engaged. If you have a once a year marathon maybe it wouldn't be so bad with breaks. For instance the climax of a campaign, or something the DM wants to do especially.

    I have 3 years of online play experience here on fantasy grounds and have DMed for my family a couple sessions around the holidays.

    I would absolutely love to play a few one shots if you want to start a group out that way, and if you feel I'm not a good fit, I think that's a good deal for both of us, because I think we should be comfortable.

    I like martial characters. I like quite a few of the race options. I like a fair few of the classes.

    My go to is the martial classes fighter and ranger, and I've played ranger several times in different flavors and not gotten bored.

    Generally I don't multiclass, but I'm coming round to the idea of doing it and have one concept in mind for the occasion if I decide to pull it out.

    I have a fondness for kobolds, dwarves, orcs, and the reborn.

    I would absolutely LOVE to play a horror campaign.
    Last edited by Zomnivore; April 24th, 2022 at 14:14. Reason: added my love of horror.

  2. #2
    Would you like to play a Tomb of Annhilation campaign only 3 or 4 players starting from level 7 until maybe 14 Monday nights CST 7 to 10 or 11 weekly to start

  3. #3
    I don't think I'm up for ToA isn't that a meat grinder? I appreciate you offering tho.

  4. #4
    I'm fixing to start up a Monster Hunter game. Lots of homebrew and plenty to sink your teeth into.

    Game time is Thursdays at 7pm EST and we run for 3 hours

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