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  1. #1

    LFPs Small group looking to expand

    Table of 3 looking for two more players to fill out our group. We prioritize roleplaying and story progression along with meaningful combat to move us through our adventures. Collaboration and teamwork are the core critical at our table.

    We are looking for strong role players whose skills complement the existing team.
    All genders are welcome.
    Light use of marijuana or alcohol consumption is accepted off cam. We don’t tolerate over indulgence. We want players to stay engaged.
    Not interested in bringing real world political, religious, or other social issues to the game. We play to escape.
    Commitment is required. We understand that sometimes real life takes precedence but we make the time to play and are committed to it.
    We lean into our character flaws/quirks because it adds great role playing opportunities.
    We would like everyone to be willing to DM, but it is not a requirement for entrance into our group. We are willing to help new members learn to DM if interested.

    We want to be as transparent and clear as possible to make sure we get the right fit for our group and make it fun for all players. Being on the same page about what we want to experience in D&D is very important. We are looking for people who like to have a character that is more than just min/max stats. Players who enjoy roleplay within the party and with the NPCs our DM will put in front of us. A person who is a team player, letting everyone enjoy the spotlight from time to time. A willingness to expand and grow as a roleplayer, trying voices, developing character plots and backgrounds with the DM, and building relationships between characters. We try to take the game beyond just dice rolls, describing our actions during combat, going as far as having the group Bard write a song or two and always supporting players pushing their roleplaying boundaries.
    We are offering up 2 positions in our group on a trial basis to make sure we are all a good fit for each other. Should the current group agree to continue playing together at the end of our new adventure, you will be invited to join future campaigns. We have a great group and would like to add a few more to our table - those who love this game as much as we do.
    We play our sessions over zoom , using Fantasy Grounds Unity as the platform for the mechanics of the game, dice rolls, combat and the like. In between sessions if the opportunity in the game is right we have a character chat that is on going over Discord , we find this is a great way to play down times and build connection between characters. We live stream the game over Twitch and have a Youtube channel for friends and the like to enjoy our sessions as much as we do. If this kind of setup is something you're looking for, and you're interested in helping with the workload of keeping the different elements of the game operating then please reach out and we will set up some one shots to test each other out. Trust me when I say it’s more fun than work with this group.
    Here are the links to the Wiki, Twitch and Youtube channel.
    Wiki Page: https://emathan.rolebyroll.com
    Youtube: Role By Roll
    Twitch channel: www.twitch.tv/rolebyroll/

    Game Details: Epic Saga of fun and laughs

    FGU License: We all have full licences but all you need is the Demo version
    Game System: D&D 5E

    Time Zone: MDT/MST
    Day of week and time: Saturday 8PM-12AMish
    If new game, planned start date: Ongoing game
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly 4hours
    Term: ongoing

    Text or Voice: Voice/video

  2. #2
    Hello Barry! I'm interested in seeing the details of your campaign and world as well as getting to know your current players. Please hit me up here or on Discord. my handle is Grey Wolf#6723

    Happy New Year!

  3. #3
    I'll be in touch soon

  4. #4
    Hello, I'm interested, I especially like the idea of multiple DMs, so that everyone gets their feet wet and understands the challenges of trying to wrangle players and understand a bit more to be a more helpful player. I've only ever dmed for my family and its been very much a game for enjoying each other and the game comes second.

    I'll be honest I struggle to adapt in the group environment and also find a way to weave a more complex story into a character while balancing the group dynamic, I don't have many deep dive character concepts off hand that fit every world, but I do have them, and would like the challenge with a committed group.

    I want to hear from you how your group handles spoilers on some spots of a character's background, as well as what the world your running entails. Is this a very planar campaign is this a eberron high magic is almost technology setting etc. ?

  5. #5
    Zomnivore thanks for the reply, I'll private message you asap to set up an interview with the group.

  6. #6
    Hey there,
    I’m very interested in joining.
    I’ve been an actor most of my life. When quarantine started the business shut down for the most part and I scratched my artistic itch by creating DnD characters. I’ve played a fair amount with my friends but we’ve never been able to keep something consistent.
    I’m dying to play a role play heavy campaign.
    Hope you’re having a good day

  7. #7
    Might be a bit of a long shot, but are you still looking for party members? I'm interested if available.

    Hope to hear back from you. Thanks.

  8. #8
    Sorry but we have filled the two seats we had open, Thanks for reaching out and i hope you find a great game to join.

  9. #9
    My thanks to everyone who reached out to join our group, we are delighted to have found two new members. We hope that everyone can find a great game to join and all the best in the adventures ahead.
    Please feel free to check out the game @ Rolebyroll live streamed on twitch or our youtube channel Role by roll. Anyone interested in a deep dive into the world we are creating feel free to check out the Wiki page https://emathan.rolebyroll.com

    May the road always lead home
    your cup always be full
    and your friends always be seated round the table.

    Role BY Roll

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