1. #1
    Valarian's Avatar
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    Worcestershire, UK

    Chickens in the Mist (iCon Competition Entry)

    Entry for the iCon Fantasy Grounds II screen capture competition.

    These are a couple of images from the Chickens in the Mist game from Friday 28th March, run as part of iCon08 by Waldo Pepper.

    The images are from the section of the game where the intrepid news team (the players) are investigating a deserted farm house. During the investigation of the house, we're attacked by a horde of marauding Giant Mutant Chickens ... yes, that was chickens!

    A couple of us were armed from weapons picked up in a truck and the house. Others, grabbed handy items such as a butcher's knife and a desk lamp. One of us picked up a cushion! He then proceeded to attack using said cushion!
    Using Ultimate license - that means anyone can play.
    Valarian's Fantasy Grounds Rulesets

  2. #2
    It was a great night with a lot of good laughs. It was supposed to be three hours, but I think we played nearly five and I loved every minute of it. Great GM and a very nice group of people to play with. It was a great setup with realistic characters, all with their own flaws and quirks in some truly surreal scenes. Working as a news crew worked exceptionally well and I'd love to play with all of you again in the future (the icon forum is not working at the moment so I thought I'd just mention that here).

    VTs are a great medium to encourage roleplaying. I've only played using FGII twice now (both at Icon2008) and both times there was more roleplaying than in most face-to-face games I've played. I'm still amazed at how well every character was played in last nights Chickens of the Mist game and how clear a picture I had (and still have) of who those characters were. Cudos to everyone and to the GM in particular for setting it up so cleverly and running it so smoothly!
    Last edited by Tarostar; March 29th, 2008 at 19:54.

  3. #3
    Waldo Pepper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Duisburg, Germany
    Thanks for the complement. It was truly an awesome session: I was LOL most of the night; the dialog was pure gold in places. I will be posting the chatlogs up sometime today on my blog and will link here.
    Gaming Brouhaha
    Time Zone: GMT+1

  4. #4
    Great, I'll keep an eye out for that chat log.

  5. #5
    Waldo Pepper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Duisburg, Germany
    The transcripts are attached (in .pdf format)
    Gaming Brouhaha
    Time Zone: GMT+1

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