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Thread: TORG - Eternity

  1. #171
    Ok, so one of the great parts of Torg are the Possibility Chips. We lose that tactile feel when playing online. I saw though, a video of the Fate Chips from deadlands. I wonder how hard it would be to set up something where we as GM's can toss chips to players (maybe as simple as I drop it onto their player sheet and it shows up in the chat that they earned a possibility), and they can drop them into the chat to use them.

    Thoughts? I've never done an extension, or modified one so again this is just brainstorming ideas for future upgrades to the current extension.

  2. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by discgolferusa View Post
    Ok, so one of the great parts of Torg are the Possibility Chips. We lose that tactile feel when playing online. I saw though, a video of the Fate Chips from deadlands. I wonder how hard it would be to set up something where we as GM's can toss chips to players (maybe as simple as I drop it onto their player sheet and it shows up in the chat that they earned a possibility), and they can drop them into the chat to use them.

    Thoughts? I've never done an extension, or modified one so again this is just brainstorming ideas for future upgrades to the current extension.
    You could also create a token from the possibility image and drop it in the players hand image that Luis setup in his extension. I mean, you are already using those areas for the player's hand and card pool.
    Character background is what happens between levels one and six.

    -- Gary Gygax

  3. #173
    Ok so I’m very despondent right now. I tried to run my first session and it was a frustrating cluster.

    First and by far the largest frustration is cards. How do you manage this! Do I have to do 90% of the gameplay for my players on this? I had all these tokens on a shared cards image for them to pull from to put on the hand pool images but no one could move them from the shared image to their respective images. It would be great if the could just copy it and place it there but the can’t. They can’t even move it from one image to another. Do I have to make those tokens shared and not just share the gm tokens? I ended up manually dragging them from the shared pool image to their hands but then I had to manage when they played them as well, it was a mess! Tips on how to do the cards effectively would be awesome.

    Second - when I try to load an encounter into the combat tracker it’s slower than sh*t! My laptop is a 9th gen i7 with 16gb ram and a rtx2080 and it damn near choked to death loading a large encounter! It took minutes to move the encounter into the combat tracker and froze my machine. WTH is with that! Granted when I say large it was large. 41 npcs, but seriously 6 minutes with it frozen! What did I potentially do wrong that caused that kind of crappy performance?

    Third - and this Was a learning issue using possibilities suuuuccked. It’s not intuitive, but I can’t think of a better way at the moment to handle it.

    Fourth how the hell do you stay organized running a game this way. Any tips would be appreciated. This was our first try using fg so we were all stumbling but I was spending more time trying to unbury windows and reopening things than running the campaign it felt like. I know this will get better with time but any tips would be greatly appreciated!

    I know I’m ranting and raving but I’ve put 140+ hrs into getting everything set up and writing out campaigns and making maps and hundreds of npcs and I could tell my players were frustrated and I was frustrated. Some of it was us all being new to fg, some to being new to playing online but some was just fgc being a right royal pita at times!

    Ok rant over. Please help me make this fun because today was almost everything but.

  4. #174
    After talks with Damned about what may have been causing my crashing in the CT I'm making changes to how I structure my skills on NPCs. I moved non combat (interactive or physical) skills to a new section and combined modifiers, up, and possibilities together.

    Not ideal, but will limit the number of rolls being loaded into the CT per NPC.

  5. #175
    damned's Avatar
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    Apologies for repost -

    I dont know but Im guessing that fortress is at least 100m per side maybe far bigger.
    You mentioned this is your first dip into GMing on FG.
    In FG you can prep all your encounters and NOT add them into the CT until they are needed.
    By needed - I mean until you need to start shooting.

    each of these circles is probably a separate encounter.
    when you add an encounter to the CT it ADDs it to the CT - they might be prepped separately but you can easily have reinforcements from an adjacent area be alerted (add them to the CT) and then reveal them.
    some other VTTs have everything on the map at the start
    in FG you PIN the encounter to the map and you add it to the CT only when the players arrive to that location.

  6. #176
    Ok, another question for you fine gentlemen. I want to create rolls for all the spells, miracles and Psy powers but am having a problem where they will not pull the correct values from the PC unless I copy over the ref field values with the ones from the player sheet. Even if the spell was made from generic rolls that were also used in the creation of the character.

    I was hoping to make this something that my players could just select from and drop on their sheets and they'd work without needing me to massage them.

    Any ideas on if it's possible and if it is what I may be doing wrong?

  7. #177

  8. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    They will need to link them to their own stats.

    Did you try making 20 encounters instead of one great big one?
    Yeah and that kind of helped, I’m still going through my big campaign and making adjustments and speed still seems to be an issue. I moved non-ct rolls to a different spot on the npc but that doesn’t seem to help. I had hoped that would help some as well but it doesn’t appear to have. Does it load every roll no matter what into the ct? Is that why it’s so slow?

  9. #179

  10. #180
    Here's the db.xml for my god box adventure.

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