1. #1

    Long time player but new to AL

    Hello, I am looking for some information on ways to get started. I have downloaded the new startup and working through all of that information. I played Living Greyhawk for awhile so I am assuming that this is similar to that platform. Are there online platforms where I can get started playing. I have also noticed that some of these modules have dates. Can I start at the beginning or do I have to play with the most recent Tier 1 module.

    I would like to get my kids into all of this with the stay at home conditions, so is there some rules that I need to be familar with to DM a session with my kids.

    Any help on a simple step by step process would be very helpful.

    Also, to play on Fantasy Grounds, do I need to subscribe to the basic enrollment to access all of the tools for running game here?

    I know I sound like a newbie, but would love some detailed info on how to get me and my kids started with some gaming.


  2. #2
    GregRex's Avatar
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    With Adventurer's League you do not need to follow modules in any order. You just need to have a character for that game's tier. I.E. Tier 1 is levels 1-4. From there you can jump from virtual table to virtual table. No need to wait on your DM to schedule another session.

    I would recommend checking out the Fantasy Grounds College https://fantasygroundscollege.net/ They have tutorials for AL character creation and have now started hosting Tier 1 games for beginners. ( I'm one of their DM's )

    You do not need a license as long as your DM has an Ultimate License to host games. Otherwise, if everyone has a standard license then the connection will not be an issue. There are pro's and con's to owning a demo/standard/and ultimate license that only you can decide on.

    If you wanted to purchase an AL module to run yourself you will need to check out the Dungeons Masters Guild at https://www.dmsguild.com/. Be sure to sort modules that have Fantasy Grounds modules included, otherwise, you would need to convert the pdf by parsing the data into your game which I would not recommend for beginners.

    On a final note, you need to be aware that there are now 2 versions of Fantasy Grounds. Fantasy Grounds Classic is the original version. It is extremely well developed and I would say most of the player base still uses it. The newer version of the game is Fantasy Grounds Unity. It is the future of virtual tabletop gaming but it is still in beta development despite the fact that you can purchase it. Again, only you can decide what's best for you.

    Hopefully that tidbit helps!


    Last edited by GregRex; May 9th, 2020 at 15:19.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the info. I have the demo version but it is limited. I am considering getting the classic license but everyone keeps talking about the upcoming release of unity. Would you recommend getting the classic version for someone just trying to get started with FG? Will they be disabling the classic version once the Unity version is released or will the classic version still be used as well. Do not want to get a license for the classic version if it is going to be dissolved.

    I am already signed up in FG College. Trying to locate the best classes to join to get started. I am also on Discord and I assume that I can get some good advise there on which classes to first enroll in to.

    I am wanting to run some modules as a DM but did not know if I can start with the first ones and then slowly work up to more recent releases as the sessions progress forward. Have played D&D for a long time at table top games but being a father and owning a business, it is hard to get to these events or find groups to play with.

    This VTT capability has really opened some doors for me to get back into a game that I have loved playing since the late 1970's. Very excited to get back into playing again.

    Thanks and look forward to more responses.

  4. #4
    GregRex's Avatar
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    Fantasy Grounds Classic, to my knowledge, is not going away. Smiteworks has stated that they will be supporting both. Furthermore, sourcebooks and adventure modules are cross platform compatible . If you see a module with “LoS” in the Fantasygrounds store then it has already been updated to take advantage of Unity’s new Line of Site system but still works perfectly fine on Classic. The modules on DMs Guild have not been converted to take advantage of LoS and you will have to manually set it up yourself if you want to use that feature in Unity.

    I would highly recommend running and official Wizards intro campaign as a first time DM. The Lost Mine of Phendelver or Dragon of Icespire Peak are great places to start. They are better developed than Adventurers League modules and include MUCH better maps, supplemental images, and are generally easier to run as a DM.

    Sounds like you found the right place for the Fantasy Grounds College.

    Hopefully that helps, I’m looking forward to others input as well because my experiences are probably not the same as everyone else’s.

  5. #5
    GregRex's Avatar
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    I almost forgot... Wizards is giving away free AL modules on DMs Guild! https://dnd.wizards.com/remote/freematerial

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by GregRex View Post
    I almost forgot... Wizards is giving away free AL modules on DMs Guild! https://dnd.wizards.com/remote/freematerial
    Excellent.....I just downloaded 5 free modules....I really appreciate that....includes maps, etc.

  7. #7
    I do have 1 more question though. Is there a current library of all of the Tier 1 modules for season 9. I have no idea how many are out there to acquire.

  8. #8
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TXCBoy36 View Post
    I do have 1 more question though. Is there a current library of all of the Tier 1 modules for season 9. I have no idea how many are out there to acquire.
    Did you figure this out? Go to the Adventurers League home page. It (typically) lists all the adventures for each season.

    Also get the AL Player's Pack. The ALCC (Content Catalog) lists all of that by season.

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