1. #1

    LFG DDAL05-01 on Wed Evening UTC-7, New to AL & FGU

    Hey all!

    With Wizards continuing to provide Adventure League content, I figure now was the prime time to dip my toes into trying to run Adventure League stuff & learn Fantasy Grounds at the same time. I've been running games in person for about a decade now.

    I'd like to find a solid group of 4-5 players to run through the Season 5: Storm King's Thunder adventures, meeting weekly on Wednesdays starting at 6pm. Will try not to run over 10pm.

    Starting at 1st level, starting equipment, AL character creation restrictions.

    Here's the calendar invite (I think I'm doing this right!) : https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=4861

  2. #2
    GregRex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Thanks for running a game! I'd love to join but I am also running AL sessions on Wednesdays.

    Your calendar invite looks good

    Good luck and have fun!

  3. #3
    It would be good to know what time zone that 6 PM to 10 PM is in.

  4. #4
    Oops! That would be Pacific Time, UTC -7

  5. #5
    I have FGU ultimate addition and FG standard and all the D&D 5e essentials. I've been doing Classic FG but if your willing to bear with me ill play with you for FGU. Im also starting out with AL on FG. I've played through some games in FGC. I also could find you a group if you want.

  6. #6
    Hello !!! I have some experience with FGU and D&D 5e. I do GM for 1 group (FGU) and play in another one AL campaign in FG Classic. I would like to join your game on Wednesday. I am ready to start !!


  7. #7
    I was wondering what date you were planning on starting.

  8. #8
    Are you still looking for players? I'm familiar with neither FG nor AL but I was directed to this site to find groups to play with.

  9. #9
    @marcusrife Since we got enough folks, I was hoping to form up a discord server today, get everyone acquainted and actually getting the first session started Weds 27th. (Which will also give me some time to learn FGU since I'm still struggling a lil bit with it)

    @McSquare We just filled up on players, but I'll let you know if there's an opening in the future!

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