5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    Gotta say, this is a massive undertaking but I wish you the best of luck. That new stat block looks amazing. I really want to convert this pdf over myself but sadly, I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to the code side of FG. I couldn't even get a custom theme to work. I have this PDF though and I would love to help out in any way I (someone who doesn't know how to code) can. I have a few friends that have shown interest in playing this via FG but I don't even know where to start. I've done pretty good with converting pdfs to .mod for 5e specific stuff but never a true conversion. I'd be happy to start off by making a .mod for the items or maps and such if it works similarly to the 5e version.

    Let me know if I can help in anyway and keep me in mind for a play test. And final question, any chance of sharing the wealth once it's completed?

  2. #12
    thanks for the contact bud, Ive already created the .mod file for the items and feats, one of my friends has been slowly chipping away at creating the pokedex but until I finish with the coding side of things, that wont be something that can be completely finished off (due to the STAB, pokemon levels and a handful of the other bits and pieces unique to the ruleset variant.

    ultimately where we are with the project, there isnt anything that we can really let go of that isnt specific to coding or reliant on coding work being done first which is a real shame as I would love the help.

    Dont worry though, I will absolutely be releasing it as a free ruleset/.mod file once it is complete and/or its at a playable point so no worries about play testing it, it will be completely open to everyone as soon as possible.

    The down side all up is that im working on this project in conjunction with a few other things as well so while it is being actively developed I am only one person trying to figure it out as I go and its my first coding project as well so I cant even guess what the projected timeline for completion will look like. but yeah I wont be claiming a cent for my work on this once it is done so if your group can hold out until it is done/some one else gets it done first then all the better for you guys ^^)

    Again thanks for the contact, it helps motivate me haha

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by G3Gaming View Post
    thanks for the contact bud, Ive already created the .mod file for the items and feats, one of my friends has been slowly chipping away at creating the pokedex but until I finish with the coding side of things, that wont be something that can be completely finished off (due to the STAB, pokemon levels and a handful of the other bits and pieces unique to the ruleset variant.

    ultimately where we are with the project, there isnt anything that we can really let go of that isnt specific to coding or reliant on coding work being done first which is a real shame as I would love the help.

    Dont worry though, I will absolutely be releasing it as a free ruleset/.mod file once it is complete and/or its at a playable point so no worries about play testing it, it will be completely open to everyone as soon as possible.

    The down side all up is that im working on this project in conjunction with a few other things as well so while it is being actively developed I am only one person trying to figure it out as I go and its my first coding project as well so I cant even guess what the projected timeline for completion will look like. but yeah I wont be claiming a cent for my work on this once it is done so if your group can hold out until it is done/some one else gets it done first then all the better for you guys ^^)

    Again thanks for the contact, it helps motivate me haha
    Not a problem bud. Keep me in mind if it gets to the point where I can help. Thanks for all the hard work you're putting into this because I've seen other mentioning it. I wish you the best on the endeavor.

  4. #14
    Hey bud.

    Just wanted to check in on things and see how the conversion was going. Hopefully well. I'm still checkin back occasionally since me and a few friends are eager to play this. Offer still stands to help.

  5. #15
    due to health issues and problems with family, I have had to put the project on the shelf for the moment, as it still stands, most of the work is still coding unfortunately

  6. #16
    Would it be possible to get the items and feats .mod files(and anything else that is done)? I'm planning on running the Oak one shot during a charity even at the end of the month and any work I don't have to do for that would make my life so much more simple.

    Either way, I hope your health and family issues resolve themselves. That's never fun.
    AKA Mech45

    Ultimate License Holder GM

    Games played can be seen here:
    d20Enclave Twitch page: www.twitch.tv/d20enclave
    d20Enclave YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@d20enclave
    d20Enclave Discord: https://discord.com/invite/HSuvJns

  7. #17
    any news on this .mod would love to play it or help if possibe

  8. #18
    I have been secretly coming back to this post and checking on this project in hopes of some news. Here's a shameless bump >_<

  9. #19
    This looks like something I'd like to see completed, even if the project was abandoned.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by PyroTornado View Post
    This looks like something I'd like to see completed, even if the project was abandoned.
    The source material is not legally available due to a Nintendo infringement notice. I've had a HDD failure with the project files gone including the source material (along with about 2 years of campaign data for 3 different campaigns I run).

    Unfortunately, the project is not just abandoned but any ability for me to legally recreate what had been done is not available anymore.

    I do know there are places that still host the source material I was using, but I don't have any interest in rebuilding the project when I can't legally share it in any way.

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