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  1. #121
    I have another option. Didn't think about this until today.

    Swords and Wizardry White Box is the perfect place to start. The book not only covers you with regards to the OGL, but allow you to utilize their text, under their own Open Gaming License, providing you follow a few simple requests stated in the license. You may take the entire text word for word, modify the sections that you desire, add new sections, reword whatever you want and then republish it as your own product.

    There are many examples of commercial and non-commercial products that have done so. Some were very basic, such as this: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product...dventure-Game? where the guy simply modified about 4 pages total (basically added his own house rules) and then republished. Both S&W whitebox and this text are free pdf's. You can check out easily what minor changes were made. Other's were very extensive modifications to make completely new games such as: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product...ation-WhiteBox which is a commercial product and https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product...ords--Wizardry which is another commercial product that is an extensive modification of S&W.

    I think this is the perfect solution for you. You can change whatever you want, but have the option of saying, ehh, I'm using the same initiative system as they are, why do I need to reword anything in that section, on to the new stuff I want to add. You also can use or not use the OGL, but it will be there in place by virtue of using S&W white box as your base text.

    If anyone ever comes up to you and says, this looks suspiciously like xxxx from company yyyyy, you can pull out your copy of S&W white box and show them, this was my base text, not that other thing. It says here in their license that I could do these things.

    Personally, I would like to see what creative things you can come up with. An orc is an orc is an orc. Dare you come up with some new beasties? Now that would be cool.
    Last edited by vodokar; January 10th, 2017 at 00:33.
    Ultimate License Holder GM

    Games currently Playing: AD&D, DCC RPG and D&D 5e

    Finished Projects: AD&D Ruleset
    New School NPC Maker 5E
    New School NPC Maker PFRPG - 3.5E
    Old School NPC Maker

    Current Projects:

    1) Adventure Module.
    2) Maintaining and improving released projects.
    3) C.O.O.L. Beasts
    4) Basic Fantasy Ruleset
    5) Metamorphosis Alpha Ruleset

  2. #122
    damned's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Blog Entries
    Thanks everyone - lots of good info there.
    I do have S&W but havent been using that as a guide/reference as its more OD&D than it is B/X.
    Hopefully people will come up and say that this looks a lot like B/X D&D
    Hopefully it will be marginally better organised and I wont include a few rules that didnt get used a lot in B/X games...

  3. #123
    The fact that S&W White Box is based on OD&D is actually the best reason to use it, because it is a very loose framework just waiting for you to bolt on your extra systems and modifications. You don't need to spend hours of time trying to gut or rework rules for something that isn't there in the first place. Think of White Box as an erector or lego set. You can build whatever you want with it.
    Ultimate License Holder GM

    Games currently Playing: AD&D, DCC RPG and D&D 5e

    Finished Projects: AD&D Ruleset
    New School NPC Maker 5E
    New School NPC Maker PFRPG - 3.5E
    Old School NPC Maker

    Current Projects:

    1) Adventure Module.
    2) Maintaining and improving released projects.
    3) C.O.O.L. Beasts
    4) Basic Fantasy Ruleset
    5) Metamorphosis Alpha Ruleset

  4. #124
    Charlie Mason did an excellent job on the S&W White Box: FMAG. He's going to be releasing some new stuff around it in 2017 too.

    I'm seriously considering doing a Lamentations of the Flame Princess ruleset after I finish the S&W ruleset. It could easily be an extension of the AD&D ruleset, vodokar.

    Ultimate License Holder
    Currently Running (rotating home campaigns): Hobgoblins, Orcs, and Kobolds, Oh My! (5E), The Enemy Within (WFRP)
    Currently Playing: Castle Zagyg (Labyrinth Lord), The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun (AD&D)

  5. #125
    Oh, one other thing, check out Dark Dungeons, damned. It is based on the Rules Cyclopedia which is essentially B/X ++. You could easily cut what you don't want out. It is also fully in the public domain per the licensing in the PDF:

    Designation of Open Content
    Dark Dungeons uses several terms and names that are Copyright 2000-2003 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. These terms are
    used under the terms of the Open Game License v1.0a, and are designated as Open Content by that license.
    Other than those terms and names, all original text in Dark Dungeons is hereby placed in the Public Domain.
    All artwork found in Dark Dungeons is taken from, or derivative of artwork taken from, the Public Domain.
    Derivative artwork in Dark Dungeons is hereby placed in the Public Domain.

    Ultimate License Holder
    Currently Running (rotating home campaigns): Hobgoblins, Orcs, and Kobolds, Oh My! (5E), The Enemy Within (WFRP)
    Currently Playing: Castle Zagyg (Labyrinth Lord), The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun (AD&D)

  6. #126

    I just ran across this thread and noticed there hasn't been any activity in nearly 2 years, so I thought I would stir the cauldron a bit.

    I learned to play D&D in the mid 80s using the AD&D Orange spine books and loved it. I love 5e more because of the ease of it, BUT I have been waxing nostalgic recently and would love the idea of possibly playing AD&D Orange again. And with that spark of insanity, as crazy as this may sound, I have even thought about converting the "Orange" books to Fantasy Grounds. An even bigger BUT is that I have no idea where to start or how to perform such a task or the legalities of it all. Again, all it is, is a crazy idea.
    There may not even be any interest in an "Orange" game or community, but since this version holds such a dear place in my heart, I may take on the task just for my own enjoyment and memories gone by.

    If there is anyone with the same (crazed) thinking as I or has any suggestions or knows of anyone who is already working this, please let me know.

    Thanks for your time,
    Ultimate License
    "Let’s dance, you and I"
    William from A Knights Tale

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Loko View Post
    If there is anyone with the same (crazed) thinking as I or has any suggestions or knows of anyone who is already working this, please let me know.
    If I correctly understood your question...

    There is an official AD&D ruleset provided in FG now. There is also AD&D official content.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  8. #128
    Thank you for your reply Celestian,

    I know the ruleset you are talking about, but unless I am mistaken, that is 2E. The edition I am talking about is either 1st edition 9th printing or something like that. All I know is that it is the same cover number as the 1st edition PHB (2010) but the "Orange spine" edition was a different cover.

    s-l1600.jpg 1st edition PHB
    s-l640.jpg "Orange Spine" PHB (Still 1E)
    s-l16002.jpg 2E Original

    Ok, so I did some research.... (he says with a red face) and it appears that the version I am speaking of (Orange Spine) is an exact copy of the 1978 version only with an updated cover. I apologize for letting my ignorance show in public.
    Ultimate License
    "Let’s dance, you and I"
    William from A Knights Tale

  9. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by Loko View Post
    Thank you for your reply Celestian,

    I know the ruleset you are talking about, but unless I am mistaken, that is 2E. The edition I am talking about is either 1st edition 9th printing or something like that. All I know is that it is the same cover number as the 1st edition PHB (2010) but the "Orange spine" edition was a different cover.

    s-l1600.jpg 1st edition PHB
    s-l640.jpg "Orange Spine" PHB (Still 1E)
    s-l16002.jpg 2E Original

    Ok, so I did some research.... (he says with a red face) and it appears that the version I am speaking of (Orange Spine) is an exact copy of the 1978 version only with an updated cover. I apologize for letting my ignorance show in public.
    You are correct that the ruleset is built using AD&D 2E. There is also an extension that you can use that will make tweaks to the ruleset so that it's using some of the older 1e style rules such as attack matrix and the ability modifier differences.

    For me, and I've been playing AD&D since around 1983, I find little to no difference between the 2 systems... at least not enough to notice when I'm playing. Some creatures are definitely more powerful in 2e but the DM can always use 1e versions of those. For example the FG converted Temple of Elemental Evil adventure uses all of the 1e stats in the adventure for those types of creatures so that the adventure runs as it was intended.

    If you're looking for an exact replicate of 1e tho, currently there are no projects like that to my knowledge. As far as I know Vodokar is no longer around so was hoping to offer advice that might get you where you wanted.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

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