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  1. #91
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottUlmer View Post
    Sorry to raise the alarm... it is not your extension. ... Apologies good sir!
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Just pushed a hot fix. Please update, and try again.
    Thank you Scott, and no worries.
    Thank you Trenloe and Moon Wizard, for being ever vigilant and for you masterful understanding and craft with the code.

    I have double checked my the search fields used in Field Filters for All Libraries, after the hot patch, and I am not observing the behavior Scott reported.
    Whew! A close call.

  2. #92
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Release Notes version v0.3.3 (part 1)

    This version represents a major rework of the guts of this extension. Almost all of which will (hopefully) be unobserved by users. While rewriting a good part of the table driven data in some of the files I have just about addressed all of the items listed in the Problems, Fixes and Enhancements, post #4 of this thread.

    • The Tables recordset library is still unsupported, and will remain so unless there is a great clamoring for me to support it. After doing the Classes and Races recordsets, and their relative uselessness, it became obvious to me that the Tables recordset would be even more so.
    • I am quite certain that I have supported all available fields in all supported rulesets.
    • Filters that contained a combination of fields, e.g. the abilities in the NPCs recordsets, have been decoupled because screen real estate is no longer an issue due to the scroll bars in the filters portions of the dialogs.
    • Drop down combo box sorting is more ubiquitous and, in my opinion, better in many of the filters. Some fields are problematic, especially in the 3.5E/Pathfinder rulesets, because of inconsistent data format.
    • Filtering based on "Sub-fields", for example in the Classes and Races recordsets, is supported.
    • The "Identified" field,, is rigorously supported, to prevent revealing data in unidentified objects (Images & Maps, Items, and NPCs libraries). More details below.
    • Filtering based on text case is now possible. More details in the following post.

    Identified Objects
    The Images & Maps, Items and NPCs recordsets have "Identified" fields. When an object is annotated as "unidentified" not all of its data is revealed to users. The GM, of course is privy to all the details, but the players get very little information about unidentified objects.

    In the following screenshot, from the 5E ruleset, the "identified" related fields are circled in red. The "Identified" field is a flag to annotate whether or not all data should be made available to players. The field is actually "tri-state". By default the field is not set (I've labeled it "Undetermined"). Otherwise the DM must set the field to "Identified" ("Yes") or "Unidentified" ("No"). These filter options are circled in dark red, and the dialog fields are circled on the individual Item dialogs in blue.
    The Club item is Identified and so all its data will be shared with the players. The Mace item is unidentified and so only the Non-ID Name and Notes fields are shared with the players. The Axe item is undetermined, the DM has not set the Identified field to either Yes (Identified) or No (Unidentified).

    In the next two screenshots, I'll compare the GM's view with the player's view of the three items, as well as the data in the filters available to the specific user.

    In this screenshot, that of the GM, note the completeness of the data visible in each of the three data dialogs and that each Damage value appears in the recordset field filter. (All indicated in red.)

    And now compare the above screenshot with the following, that of the Player. The unidentified Mace shows up on the player's view with the Non-ID Name ("Fancy Club") and with the Notes as the item's Description. No other data is shared. I have carried this treatment to the Field Filters. The Damage value for the Mace is absent from the combo box choices. This prevents the very astute player from gleaning data about unidentified objects.

    One should note, as stated earlier, all data for the "Undetermined" item is shared with the players. So of what importance is "undetermined". For a content designer, the writer of adventures, and the GM the third state of the Identified field can be of significant help if they are using identified/unidentified objects. If the GM is taking care to not wholesale identify every object to his/her players, by selecting "(Undetermined)" in the "Identified" field filter a list of unhandled, untouched, objects is presented. The GM can now address each unhandled object.
    Last edited by Minty23185Fresh; February 5th, 2019 at 21:24.

  3. #93
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Release Notes version v0.3.3 (part 2)

    Soapboxing, Self Promotion
    In post #2 of this thread I explain a little bit about how and why this extension came to fruition. It's my opinion that anyone who writes any content for FG should be using this extension. The primary importance being data consistency. This extension gives quick and easy recognition of errors in data consistency. Superior products, get superior returns. Here are some examples for your perusal (all of these examples are simply typos):

    Case Sensitivity in String/Text Based Filtering
    To the best of my knowledge the few Field Filters provided by the rulesets and the those in prior versions of this extension were case insensitive. This version of Field Filters for All Libraries provides an option for case sensitivity and case compression or "flattening". Here is a screen shot showing the new context menu option (right click anywhere in the Field Filters area):

    The new menu option choice is circled in red in the left panel of the screenshot, the right panel shows the three sub-menu choices, from top to bottom:
    • Case Sensitive
    • Case Insensitive
    • Case Compressed

    Please note that the screenshot is for illustrative purposes. All three sub-menu choices are not visible at the same time. The mode that the Field Filter dialog is in will not be an available option. For example: when you first invoke a recordset dialog the default option is Case Insensitive, just as it always has been. So that option "A = a" will not be a choice. Only the other two will be. This indicates what Case Sensitivity mode the dialog is in.

    In the next screenshot, Case Insensitivity is illustrated. Note the existence of both "amorphous" and "Amorphous" choices in the "SQ" Field Filter (left most panel). With Case Insensitivity no matter which one you choose, you get the same results.

    And in this screenshot Case Sensitive is illustrated in the left and center panels. This option can be of great help say when 45 NPCs share the same trait and you're looking for the one with the capitalization error.

    In the right panel of the screenshot above Case Compression is illustrated. All strings are compressed into lower case so one doesn't have to observe both "amorphous" and "Amorphous" nor "amphibious" and "Amphibious" choices. One is presented with just one choice for each. Obviously, this option behaves like Case Insensitive.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Minty23185Fresh; February 5th, 2019 at 23:04.

  4. #94

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    Minty, this is just fabulous work!

  5. #95
    Thank you

  6. #96
    The first time I click on the NPC icon after I load the campaign, I get this error:

    Script Error: [string "FFAL/scripts/FFAL_data_library_common.lua"]:277: attempt to compare number with nil

    I tried disabling all other extensions, but it still behaved the same.
    I'm using the official pathfinder ruleset

  7. #97
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chronodt View Post
    I'm using the official pathfinder ruleset
    What does “official pathfinder” mean?

    The PFRPG2 ruleset is not supported because it is still in “beta” test, as far as I know.

  8. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by Minty23185Fresh View Post
    What does “official pathfinder” mean?

    The PFRPG2 ruleset is not supported because it is still in “beta” test, as far as I know.
    well, it's PFRPG, with the official modules installed :P (shouldn't change anything, as I think it still uses the same ruleset as the free modules)
    Last edited by Chronodt; February 9th, 2019 at 13:47.

  9. #99
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chronodt View Post
    well, it's PFRPG, with the official modules installed :P (shouldn't change anything, as I think it still uses the same ruleset as the free modules)
    Please provide a screenshot, similar to the following. I need a picture of the chat and the Library showing the rulesets and modules loaded. Please note that you might have to crop a full screen screenshot otherwise I won't be able to see the details I need.

    In case you haven't reviewed the copious information provided in this thread, I am not a pathfinder user, I'm actually completely ignorant of it. Another user asked that I support pathfinder, and I'm doing the best that I can. Please be patient as I try to help you and get to the bottom of the problem.


  10. #100
    After your request of a screenshot I actually created a new campaign, to see if the problem actuall WAS one of the (paid) pathfinder modules, and I was right.

    console error.png

    I tried with the Pathfinder NPC codex as well, with the same error as the screenshot (but i didn't get the one in my previous post)
    The free pathfinder modules were fine, instead.
    It's not a blocking bug, after all, after the first time, you don't get it again unless you unload and reload one of the official (paid) pathfinder modules with NPCs

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