5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #11
    Ok postponing to next week, i havent got everyone answers anyway.

  2. #12
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
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    I went ahead and applied on the calendar but the times are so close to my current schedule that I may not be available the whole time. If you get enough players I can be an alternate and can jump in when needed if that would work?
    FG:Unity Ultimate License Holder: Meaning anyone can join my games, even those with just the Demo . . .
    Timezone: UTC-6/CST (My 'Current' Local Time)
    Currently Running: An Old-School Essentials campaign, set in Hârn . . . Here is the discord channel -> Hârnic OSE.
    Current Design Project: Developing a stand-alone "Hârnic 5e" setting for OSE and Fifth Edition . . .

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by GunnarGreybeard View Post
    I went ahead and applied on the calendar but the times are so close to my current schedule that I may not be available the whole time. If you get enough players I can be an alternate and can jump in when needed if that would work?
    We can try to make it work. Anyway quite a few people signed up ,i am 100 % sure lypse will join, pretty sure Trinidad and Quothcraft will , but as for the others i dont even have any idea who they are, there's not even one post on the forums...Other DM usually overbook their sessions as its hard to meet reliable people. IF half of the people on the list join it will be good enough

  4. #14

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by TrinityAmad View Post
    TrinityAmad, not Trinidad XD
    Yes... i guess i need some sun and beaches.

  6. #16
    So far i got lypse playing aasimar paladin, GunnarGreybeard playing rock gnome paladin, Quothcraft cleric and TrinityAmad ranger. Would be nice if you guys could tell me which templates are you picking for those. I sent PM to the other people, but had no answers yet.

  7. #17
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
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    Looks like we already have a Paladin and Ranger so I'll rethink my 1st and 2nd choices and consider a Wizard or Rogue instead although I would prefer NOT to be a full spellcaster if at all possible.
    FG:Unity Ultimate License Holder: Meaning anyone can join my games, even those with just the Demo . . .
    Timezone: UTC-6/CST (My 'Current' Local Time)
    Currently Running: An Old-School Essentials campaign, set in Hârn . . . Here is the discord channel -> Hârnic OSE.
    Current Design Project: Developing a stand-alone "Hârnic 5e" setting for OSE and Fifth Edition . . .

  8. #18
    Seems no one want to play spellcasters in 5E , cant blame them, they start too weak , like in every D&D previous editions. And you wont see high levels before a while if ever..

  9. #19
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
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    I never really liked Spellcasters going all the way back to the original version. That and I have not played 5e as a player for probably 2+ years (and about 1 year as a DM) so I need to relearn some stuff to play on that side of the table. Wouldn't want the party to have to rely on a caster that wasn't 'up to speed' and able to play to my full ability.
    Last edited by GunnarGreybeard; December 8th, 2018 at 20:13.
    FG:Unity Ultimate License Holder: Meaning anyone can join my games, even those with just the Demo . . .
    Timezone: UTC-6/CST (My 'Current' Local Time)
    Currently Running: An Old-School Essentials campaign, set in Hârn . . . Here is the discord channel -> Hârnic OSE.
    Current Design Project: Developing a stand-alone "Hârnic 5e" setting for OSE and Fifth Edition . . .

  10. #20
    Hi there. I would opt for the spellcaster. Never played Curse of Stradh and would love to join. Balderic is a Lightfoot Halfling, former Inspector of Neverwinter City Guard. Searching for criminals year after year he entered into a pact with a being from the Feywild, helping him solving crimes.

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