5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1
    Ardem's Avatar
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    LFP - Long Term Traveller Game

    Hi guys,

    I am looking to fill in every 2nd Sunday night 8.30pm AEST. I want to do a epic space opera, that does not just centre around one set of players, but potentials you could have three to control with various degrees of involvement.

    The setting is somewhere around the late Long Night section where the Empire of Man, has disappeared and the 3rd Imperium is yet to start. It centred around a world which has finally put back together interstellar travel space flight, but has limited resources and in desperate need of new tech, they have huge gaps.

    The players roles will include 3 characters at there disposal. Each of the roles actually interlinks with other roles

    - The 'think tank', a group set out to steer governmental, or corporate positions or shadowy types that, grease the wheels set forward design or plans, very much a planetary control, goal is to create a empire.

    - Naval Officers, these at first will be at first on a single interstellar combat ship, that will do everything from battle piracy, meet with neighbouring empires and establish ties. Eventually at the empire progress these will turn into a flotilla.

    - Special Forces, these will be deployed for ground operations, or intelligence gathering, recovery and rescue.

    This might be a huge undertaking but could be a glorious empire building where it is a little deeper, from both a roleplaying perspective and depth then a general hack and slash. So feel free to comment below on your interest or even if you have any advice or great ideas around this if you cannot play I like to hear them.

  2. #2
    I love the idea for a campaign with that amount of depth. I was wondering if you were going to home brew the empire building aspect or use some existing sources for the rules?

    I'm thinking of Traveller 4's Pocket Empires and I think Mongoose 1st edition has a book themed towards this as well.

    Whatever you use I wish you good tidings in tackling such a large project. I will be reading along if possible.

  3. #3
    It sounds like a Milieu 0 campaign, also from the T4 era. I really enjoyed gaming in that era. Lost of opportunity for exploration and discovery, all the same ole same ole seemed new and shiny.

    I wish I could join but sadly my weekends are pretty much full. I do wish you tons of success with this game because it sounds like a blast!

    My thoughts on what a campaign like that would need in the front end is a fairly comprehensive idea of technologically what they have and what they don't. Figure out where they might find what they need (like in ruins on nearby planets, ancient archives on their own planet, derelict spacecraft or stations, nearby friendly or unfriendly people, etc) so that you know what they can get and where they can get it. It often helps to seed the PCs with clues like a historical document detailing ancient Empire of Man trade route with a list of possible systems where things they are looking for my be. I'm not sure if you want the campaign to run on rails or be more sandbox style but either way I find it helpful to at least point PCs in right direction.

  4. #4
    Ardem's Avatar
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    Thanks for both of your comments, I am looking at Pocket Empires for ideas, definately I will need to do some Home Brew around the empire Building aspect.

    Esmdev, I was thinking that exact thing last night, also the resources needed to go to the next technological stage, I was thinking there would be aspects for ruin diving for those human systems that did not survive the long night, which I imagine a few. My thoughts on the Long Night, was a period of Chaos, internal strife that led many of the outlying systems having complete breakage even anniliation. Where others just kept on the edge of survival or various government types and cultures thrived under the change.

    I am not sure how do deal with jumping ability, do points need to be surveyed first, or do I allow more of a less restrictive method and they can jump whereever, I am thinking they need survey point first to get to a new system, where they could find systems maps that lead to other systems.

    I definately plan on having the PC hand held for a little bit to start of with, based on orders from command, to give direction. Also to feel the military culture, and noble nuances I am thinking the style would be a heavily influnences 18th Century English Naval style. But as they grow into the roles then make it more sandboxed. But still wanting the players to have superiors and interworld politics keep somethings in perspective and in check and to move things along. Also the players will be more hero like, then average joes as they would be the best of what the workld has to offer as they are int he prime positions, I will do this my the starting characters evolution to be 3 year jumps not 4.

    The Thinktank is the strange aspect I have not 100% figured out, they will have influence but not 100% influence. I will develop a system of government the players will need to understand I am thinking Monarchy, with a house of Commons and Lords. Lords tend to be also Corporate owners, Once I figure some stuff out I will place it in here and open up for opinions about it.

    So definatley I need players that like to sink their teeth into it.
    Last edited by Ardem; November 7th, 2018 at 08:54.

  5. #5
    What system are you planning on using?

  6. #6
    Ardem's Avatar
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    I plan on using Mongoose Traveller 1E, however I am taking some stuff as far as History and Pocket Empires from Marc Miller's Traveller. This will be a 0 Milleu game. I been working on the starting system, however I will not share the exact location, as the details (such as star charts) are lost to the players, how will post the system shortly with a bit of the history. I am trying to keep it as OTU as possible but I might divert a little. I will share the system history and allow people on here to help me name the system planets.

    I will be using the 1E ruleset for Fantasy Grounds as well.

  7. #7
    Put me down for a spot. Looking at it there is definitely potential for a truly epic Space Opera to develop here.

  8. #8
    Ardem's Avatar
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    So into the world building stage.

    I have attached a spreadsheet of the starting planet. It has a single colony, with a number of science/mining outposts. If anyone feel free to name them that would be great. <smile> It will be a very European 18th Century feel to naming convention, form of government.

    System Form Spreadsheet

    Also I have decided to call the special forces team, Jackal teams however I need a cool acronym for them, any idea it could be.

    Example of other forms,


    best I have come up with is Jump Assisted Combat Recon Legionaries but I am not convinced I like Legionaries. Any thoughts would be great.
    Last edited by Ardem; November 18th, 2018 at 01:46.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    is there a wiki or something that has all the game stuff like class's and thingies

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