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  1. #1

    WotC fraudulent Twitch numbers...

    The lies of WotC and the ignorance... Twitch only had 1 RPG non-video game category that people would use and Twitch staff member DJWheat and AnnaProsser told everyone to use D&D category for them even though White Wolf games all had categories thanks to OnyxPath Publishing, but with all that being the case and EVERY RPG stream fell in the D&D category for lack of enforcing proper categorization on Twitch and lack of having a "Tabletop RPGs" category until Sept 27th, 2018... look at this lie.


    In 2017 alone, we had more than 7,500 unique broadcasters streaming live play D&D, for more than 475 million minutes watched over the course of the entire year,” Greg Tito, Senior Communications Manager for D&D, told SyFy.com in an interview.
    no Greg, half the streams were Pathfinder... so Paizo gets a big chunk of that number in your fraud. and other percentages were Stars Without Numbers, Vampire the Masquerade, Numenera, etc... all which have had their own categories long before Pathfinder got on. So claiming D&D by those numbers is nothing but fraud. I said it when it began and the reason they wouldn't add or clean out categories, and now the fraud is true.

    with every RPG in the D&D category, and many video games that arent even related to RPGs like: PUBG, Rocket League, League of Legends, World of Warcraft; well. anyone that knows Twitch knows Greg's statements are a lie, because it is impossible to sort out all the streams and those numbers are obviously fictitious based solely on people putting random streams in D&D category.

    At least the FG usage numbers are based on real data that was required to known which "ruleset" it was loading. That would have been a better and less fraudulent number than the streams on Twitch in the D&D category... I think that chart even had LARGER numbers for D&D than just 7500 unique users, and it included non-5e D&D games also.

  2. #2
    KILLGORE's Avatar
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    This is why I play Pathfinder. Regular updates, good products, and no more Hasbro....

  3. #3

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    Every publisher who wants their system needs to arrange that with Twitch then. Until "Pathfinder" very recently became an option, "D&D" was the only category anyone could select, as you noted. It's shady for WotC to claim those numbers but hey, marketing is shady, WotC is shady.

  4. #4
    Ampersandrew's Avatar
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    I play Pathfinder mostly because I hated 4th edition and didn't care for 5th edition when it rolled around. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it either. I certainly didn't like it enough to stop playing Pathfinder for.

    Now I'm getting a bit tired of Pathfinder's bloat. I'm hoping second edition Pathfinder will be a playable game.

    I can't work up the energy to get annoyed about WotC misrepresenting how popular they are. In terms of Games played on Fantasy Grounds D&D is about 5 times as popular as my favourite edition of the game.

  5. #5
    The thing I find the most annoying with the Twitch category being the scrum for every single whatsit RPG is that I want to watch D&D games. Not C&C or Star Wars or some Steampunk jazz. I wish Twitch would police their own categories (or at least review reports of complaints for out of category content) and make sure that the category is being used for it's intended purpose.

    If the RPG doesn't have it's own category, the default should be RPG, not the D&D channel ;(
    Last edited by celestian; November 11th, 2018 at 21:35.
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Talyn View Post
    "D&D" was the only category anyone could select, as you noted.
    well it was the one suggested by Twitch staff that wouldnt know an RPG that wasnt a video game if it jumped up and bit them on the butt.

    However in April 2017 for International RPG Day Twitch did add the following categories:
    World of Darkness
    Vampire: The Masquerade
    Werewolf: the Forsaken
    Dungeon World
    Star Without Numbers

    Again, Twitch staff told people to not use those and instead put everything in "D&D" which aids and abets the fraud by Wotc in the SyFy article and claims by Greg Tito.

    Twitch didnt even have a category for FG, only "Roll20 Virtual Tabletop" until Doug added FG to GiantBomb himself since Twitch only takes categories at the time from a VIDEO GAME wiki, then he sent in the FG "box art" to Twitch to get the art on the category once it was crawled from the GiantBomb index...


    Now with the new TAG system they claim you can suggest not only TAGs, but Categories as well with the advent of the "Tabletop RPGs" category which took many people 4+ years to get Twitch to consider adding.

    So there was other categories, but WotC and Twitch colluded to give these fraudulent numbers.
    Last edited by shadzar; November 11th, 2018 at 21:02.

  7. #7
    Honestly, WotC could in good faith claim that Pathfinder is D&D. Since Pathfinder is at its core based on 3.5 and also uses the d20 open game license it wouldn't be fraud of any kind. While there have been significant changes in later books the core rules look just like an alternate setting version of the 3.5 PHB.

  8. #8
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Honestly, WotC could in good faith claim that Pathfinder is D&D. Since Pathfinder is at its core based on 3.5 and also uses the d20 open game license it wouldn't be fraud of any kind. While there have been significant changes in later books the core rules look just like an alternate setting version of the 3.5 PHB.
    hahaha - im with esmdev on that one!

  9. #9
    You would think after Paizo and SmiteWorks sign an agreement for official Pathfinder support! there would be more respect for Paizo around here, but considering Pathfinder is thrown in with 3.5 as a combined forum, i guess not...

    Maybe WotC should just claim their money as well?

    They have a legal right to correct? Oh wait, no they don't.

    You would be surprised the number of people that are glad to finally be out of D&D and able to stream their game of choice in its own category on Twitch who play Pathfinder.

    Not everyone is one of those people Celestian mentioned that Twitch wont clean up and partners that claim "Im a D&D streamer so everything I do goes in D&D" because they need the attention and have to be associated with D&D. We all know the person form around here who still does it.

    But Celestian's point rings true to what sets Twitch apart from Youtube. Youtube is a set of clickbait titles that you don't know what the content is most of the time. Twitch has those same clickbait titles, but added it ha the categories, that are supposed to be able to allow viewers to find content they want to watch. This is so strongly a premise of Twitch that they have "meta-data" in which Twitch can detect through Blizzard which Overwatch character you are paying and put your stream into the "Mercy" category s people can find streams only of people playing as "Mercy".

    So if it is that important to have categories to develop software to further break down individual games, why won't they make it where people that want to find D&D to watch or discuss can do so? Why did it take them so long, and why won't they clean out the trash that just needs to always stream in D&D because they need to be able to say they are playing D&D, when in fact it is something else?

    Because D&D exists only because it was a "franchise" of video games on GiantBomb, so got brought in that way, and for years Twitch didn't even have developers capable of manually adding categories until the end of 2016 when they began with "Social Eating". so non-video games are a 3rd world country to Twitch unless you are G&S and the CR stream with 30k+ viewers per stream.

    So if the care so much about those numbers, then why falsify them? Why leave the categories a disheveled mess? Because they don't care. The developers don't care about the users, they just want to keep the things the same as hey are, not have to do more work or put in extra effort to upholding their own terms and design philosophy for the website... its all about double and triple milking those cows.

    So while you two may not recognize Paizo as a legal company with legal rights, other people do. Those rights do include not having their brands and IP diluted by the likes of Twitch or Fantasy Grounds.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by esmdev View Post
    Honestly, WotC could in good faith claim that Pathfinder is D&D.
    Both false and absurd.

    If they could, then Pathfinder could claim that they are D&D. They can't.

    Since Pathfinder is at its core based on 3.5 and also uses the d20 open game license it wouldn't be fraud of any kind.
    Yes, it would.

    Pathfinder is a Paizo trademark.

    Paizo just happens to produce, amoung other things, some OGL compliant products. They do not produce D&D products.

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