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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    I love this extension, but I would like to add one request that would make it perfect!

    I am currently running an epic Star Wars campaign and this extension is great for quickly running through this massive module I've made with charts I need to remember and notes on the galaxy. But I also keep separate story notes, so I need more than one window open to keep an eye on everything I need. And what I've found is that you need to do things is a very specific order, or else it gets confusing.

    Now. What I would like is the following (assuming its is possible at all): Lets say I open Window A. Every link in that opens there. Good. If I CTRL-click a link at open Window B, every link opens in Window B. But would it be possible in the case of two open windows that links in Window A, opens in Window A, and links in Window B opens in Window B? Effectively giving me 2 "browsers"?

    I hope that the above makes sense. Sadly I will understand Ancient Cuneiform before coding, so don't know how to fix this myself.

    Vires Animi

  2. #12
    I'm not sure what you're asking about?

    From what I understand you have a bunch of windows of the same window class that have links to launch other windows of the same window class that you want to replace the parent window that launched them?

    That's fully possible but you'd need to track it from the parent windows, possibly with a combination of their init calls and a manager that observes the exchange.

    It however is a bit specific to the realm of modifying the windows and the scripts themselves which is beyond the scope of this extension. You can easily take this script and run away with it. It's GPL and pretty easy to understand if that helps jump start you.

    Regarding the opening metric. It operates on a stack model, were the last window of that windowclass will always be the source of future flips for that windowclass opening. It it's closed, the the most recently opened window will become the source of flips.

  3. #13
    Valyar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Thank you for this extension. It is fantastic and should be integrated in CoreRPG. It reduced the frustration and annoyance I experience when I am doing data upload for modules I am working on. Windows management is bad in FG, but this keeps me sane to some extent

    Maybe you can post here when there is update and maintain in the bottom of the first post versioning and the .ext file for people who don't use GIT.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  4. #14
    ll00ll00ll00ll's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Upstate NY (and not Westchester, I mean dead in the middle)
    I'm sure this was a lot of work for a seemingly small detail, but this will be a definite addition to all my campaigns. Thanks for this!

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ll00ll00ll00ll View Post
    I'm sure this was a lot of work...
    It's actually pretty compact, you can look at how few lines of logic it takes to do this. I had been using a version of this for only story entries for more than a year, it was only recently that I realized that I could stick it on a global handler.

  6. #16
    ll00ll00ll00ll's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Upstate NY (and not Westchester, I mean dead in the middle)
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken L View Post
    I realized that I could stick it on a global handler.
    dude... what's with making everything sticky?

  7. #17
    I used your ext but it has a bug. When i swap between PC sheets, sometimes sheet tab apear blank and i have to resize it for it to show the text in it.
    This is the reason that force me not to use your ext.
    Still you ve done a great job.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Slalom View Post
    I used your ext but it has a bug. When i swap between PC sheets, sometimes sheet tab apear blank and i have to resize it for it to show the text in it.
    This is the reason that force me not to use your ext.
    Still you ve done a great job.
    Just edit the singlewindow.lua file: just after row 48 [if sClassName == 'masterindex' then return; end] add this row:

    if sClassName == 'charsheet' then return; end

    In this way, character sheets won't be affected by the extension. Each character sheet will open indipendently, and you should experience the problem you described.

  9. #19
    Character sheets have some weird behavior that I never really investigated. If you use the resize handles, they fix themselves so I suspect it has to do with their redraw method. I kept it in as it was easily resolved by just by using the resize handles.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    the seaside, UK

    I really like this extension, and hate to be that 'please, sir, can I have some more?' person, but is it possible to adjust the code to just exclude images (I would say just maps but I suspect they don't have their own 'class' beyond just being another image)? I use FG at the table, with a 'player' instance open for displaying battlemaps, handouts, NPC art etc. on a tv screen, and image display on the player's side can becomes quite confusing, even though it's great for me on the GM's side. I hope this make sense and is something easily doable?

    Cheers, Simon

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