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  1. #1

    is it possibe to add weapon damage on critical without effects?

    I created a custom magic weapon for a player based on the dagger of venom. Rather than 7 points of fire damage on a crit, it does 1d6 fire damage on a crit. I know I can make an effect for this using "DMG: 1d6 fire critical" but I don't want the player to have to remember to click the effect before applying damage when a critical is rolled. Instead, I'd like to know if I can code the damage on the weapon itself in such a way that it only does the extra damage on a crit. I've attached a screenshot of what I was hoping would work, but this method results in the 1d6 being rolled every time. Is there a way around this?

    crit weapon screenie.png

    I DO own the dmg and phb, so I've looked at the dagger of venom and other weapons that proc effects on crits, but I don't see any codings there. If this isn't possible natively... are there any extensions I could use?

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Essentially no, at least not without an extension.

    You can add extra critical dice into the weapon meta data by clicking the magnifying glass on the Weapons line and adding in the dice required. However that would give the extra dice to all weapons and you can't specify a damage typw.

    The only method of achieving what you want is to use this extension.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  3. #3
    Thanks Zacchaeus. I do have that extension and have used it in other campaigns, but I was under the impression that it created an effect on the PC, which is something I can just do without the extension. Am I mistaken, does the extension actually apply the effect to the item itself in some way? If so, great. If not, then it makes more sense for me to just put a new weapon on the users sheet with just the fire damage and let him click that when he crits.

  4. #4
    Why not just make another weapon line for when they crit?

  5. #5
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by nickabbey View Post
    Thanks Zacchaeus. I do have that extension and have used it in other campaigns, but I was under the impression that it created an effect on the PC, which is something I can just do without the extension. Am I mistaken, does the extension actually apply the effect to the item itself in some way? If so, great. If not, then it makes more sense for me to just put a new weapon on the users sheet with just the fire damage and let him click that when he crits.
    Yes, the extension applies the effect to the weapon. You can specify in the effect that the effect only fires 'on use' of the weapon. Nylanfs solution above is also a viable one although slightly prone to the player using the wrong line.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  6. #6
    I am confused, if I am reading correctly you want an effect that automatically does 1d6 fire damage on a critical for a player correct?

    DMG: 1d6, fire, critical

    does this and doesn't need to be clicked each time. You could even limited it to the following to be safe.
    DMG: 1d6, fire, melee, critical

    This way in the combat tracker you or the player could just toggle it as being active or not when the weapon was equipped.
    Admittedly this isn't as fluid if the person is using dual wielding, but it should suffice.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by lostsanityreturned View Post
    I am confused, if I am reading correctly you want an effect that automatically does 1d6 fire damage on a critical for a player correct?

    DMG: 1d6, fire, critical

    does this and doesn't need to be clicked each time. You could even limited it to the following to be safe.
    DMG: 1d6, fire, melee, critical
    This will proc the fire damage on every crit regardless of the weapon used.

    Quote Originally Posted by lostsanityreturned View Post
    This way in the combat tracker you or the player could just toggle it as being active or not when the weapon was equipped.
    Admittedly this isn't as fluid if the person is using dual wielding, but it should suffice.
    This is pretty much what I'm resigned to having to do at this point. He'll get used to it eventually and I'll just have to restore a bunch of fire damage on enemies until he does. Either that or just add the extra damage dice on a new weapon entry on the actions tab (probably I'll do this, it's easier for me).
    Last edited by nickabbey; October 11th, 2018 at 18:39.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Nylanfs View Post
    Why not just make another weapon line for when they crit?
    Yeah, as I mentioned in a prior comment this is my go-to alternative if I can't make the advanced effects extension work:

    Quote Originally Posted by nickabbey View Post
    ... it makes more sense for me to just put a new weapon on the users sheet with just the fire damage and let him click that when he crits.
    The other option is leaving the effect in the combat tracker for him to turn on/off but this is only slightly less error prone than having him turn the effect off/on from his character sheet directly.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    Yes, the extension applies the effect to the weapon. You can specify in the effect that the effect only fires 'on use' of the weapon.
    This is going to be what I end up using if I can make it work. Otherwise, I'll just create another weapon that just does the fire damage and make him responsible for remembering to click it. If he forgets to click and effect on the CT or his sheet, I end up having to adjust damage on targets after the fact. If I give him an extra weapon entry and make him responsible for remembering, there's never anything for me to clean up (plus, if I'm feeling generous and he remembers after his turn is passed, I can just let him click the extra fire damage roll).

  10. #10
    thanks for all the responses folks. I'm going to try and use the advanced effects extension to see if I can get this working, and if not I'll just add another weapon entry. Will post back my results and if I get something working, I'll include a screenshot.

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