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  1. #1
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    Welcoming the New Refugees

    I don't plan to comment much on the self-immolation happening at the other VTT (I only had 21 hours on my account there and it always felt like I was cheating on my first VTT love, FG) but I do want to welcome those searching for an alternative to FG forums and community.

    Those of you struggling with the decision to switch here, FG-Con is happening in just over two weeks. As players you only need the demo version, we still have lots of games with seats and it is a perfect opportunity for you to join a game and see how well FG functions live. https://www.fg-con.com/events/

    Also GM's are still entering games, so go over there, sign up for something that interests you and give it a whirl, FG-Con games are newbie friendly and the GM's are great about working with the learning curve.

  2. #2
    Well put, Most of my players (I run 3 games a week) are ex Roll20 players, 2 are also GM'ing and a third is planning his campaign, there will be a huge amount of advice, help & support from 99% of the community here. Just come and play for free, have fun, ask questions, see what the FG community can do.

  3. #3

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    Between Apathy and Confusion - I don't understand nor do I care.

  4. #4
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Yes, welcome to everyone. The community is great here, generally speaking most everyone remembers what it's like to be learning the software and is willing to give pointers to help. Doug and the rest of the Smiteworks people are genuinely nice people and treat their customers well which is a significant matter as far as I am concerned.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  5. #5
    Same here, I don't have much to say about the actual events, but I do want people who are looking at Fantasy Grounds to feel warmly welcome. So here's me saying "Welcome"

  6. #6
    Ellspeth's Avatar
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    An oversight on my part, I completely forgot to mention you can reach the FG-Con player signup page by clicking on the link in the FG-Con banner below.

    Also Monday night at 7PM Eastern Gunbunnyfufu will be running a game for the Savage Mojo Legend's Round Table on their Discord server. The Discord link is at the bottom of the new website page here. https://www.savagemojo.com/ Or find me on Discord and I can get you there.

    The Legends Round Table games are open table, first six to sign in play. They are in the Savage Worlds ruleset and uses Savage Mojo's Suzerain Continuum settings (all available on FG). After this week due to team changes in schedule the legends Round Table will move to Tuesday nights, every two weeks.

    Also the great guys at Fantasy Grounds College regularly offer classes for FG on different rulesets and topics so if you haven't all ready be sure to check in their, or contact Laerun or Baufrin on Discord and they can help you find your way there.

  7. #7
    ll00ll00ll00ll's Avatar
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    As a previous Roll20 user, I found their forums/community to be unsympathetic to beginners and generally a place to avoid (this was several years ago, maybe it's different now)... for a game based on social interactions, this was obviously a weird situation. When I stopped trying to make that work I moved over to Fantasy Grounds. I have found the Program and Content to be superior in most ways, though that wouldn't really matter if the Forum, and by extension, the Community (capitalized on purpose) were as awful as the previous software. On the contrary, I've found the Community here to be utterly engaging, patient and willing to assist and encourage. Please don't miss this forum, you will find all the time you spend here well worth it. Welcome aboard!

  8. #8
    Welcome newbies! I hope you have fun games.

  9. #9
    I'm on the fencing on pulling the trigger on FG, been a Roll20 Pro subscriber for 2 years now, just downgraded back to the free account. I have played in a FG game before so I'm familiar with it somewhat but not from a GM perspective. Guess I'll watch a few more videos and decide.

    I didn't drop the subscription because of current events exactly. Biggest thing is lack of system support, namely Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, and...well just about anything besides D&D and Pathfinder/Starfinder. The user community is good and the user created character sheets do have a lot of automation built in.

    I also don't care for their forums and their moderators as I've posted about them adding some "diversity" to the official games they carry. To his credit, Nolan was polite and said they always look at everything, then locked my thread. That seems to be a running theme with him, anything even slightly critical gets locked or removed. Perhaps there was more to discuss with the community. Apparently he doesn't care to listen to his customers.

    Anyway, thanks for the welcome, I'll be lurking around.
    I don't know if I'm alive and dreaming or dead and remembering.

  10. #10
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Welcome to the FG forums.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gildashard View Post
    Biggest thing is lack of system support, namely Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu...
    You've come to the right place - both of these systems are well supported on Fantasy Grounds.

    There are a number of Savage Worlds events with spaces at FG Con in 2 weeks, consider joining one or more of those - event list here: https://www.fg-con.com/events/

    And also read the post by Ellspeth above. Get into one of the weeknight one-shots and have some fun, and get to know what FG can do with Savage Worlds.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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