5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #121
    I apologize for my lack of understanding on this subject, but I did not understand how to install this extension. I accessed the GitHub link from the description, I downloaded the zip file, but from there I do not know what to do, since if you unzip the file there are several other files inside, and simply saving the zip file in the "extensions" folder does not work . Can anyone help me what I need to do now?

  2. #122
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi Masashi

    Once you download the zip file extract the folder that is at the root of the zip (advanced_kombat_5e-master)
    Copy that folder and all its contents to the \extensions folder on your FG data folder

    Close FG and relaunch.
    Then when you choose Load Campaign or New Campaign you should have the option to select the extension.
    Check back in this thread regularly for updates.

  3. #123

  4. #124
    Is there a way to reduce the size of the blue and green boxes around the characters? Another option would be to just color the default "selected" circle thingy that appears under tokens when they are selected. Its just a bit obtrusive for me (but I LOVE everything else so far!).

    EDIT: Ok, I see your preliminary bullets and the last one "The most obvious change is that friendly / neutral / hostile overlays, as well as reach "auras" for tokens in the combat tracker have been removed. This is both for my personal preference, as well as combat snap highlighting." seems to apply to what annoys me but I don't understand what overlays and auras are on the tracker. I see the "space and reach" options but they don't seem to affect the green and blue region size.
    Last edited by AlphaDecay; August 13th, 2018 at 04:57.

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaDecay View Post
    Is there a way to reduce the size of the blue and green boxes around the characters..
    Sure, but you'll need tweak the code a bit and be comfortable 'customizing' it. I've left a bunch of comments in so if you're willing to experiment then you can easily get what you're trying to achieve.

    The auras are added in scripts/manager_token as well as ct/scripts/ct_token.lua

    See the workshop forum and the wiki for information. Just make sure you back your personal changes up so that if a new version comes out, you can 'merge in' your custom changes again.

    The highlight looks the way it does to make the current and selected token 'stick out' as I used it for large 30+ combatant encounters. The token auras/underlays are in increments of 0.5 units and I wanted something larger than 1.0 units so 1.5 was the best available.
    Last edited by Ken L; August 13th, 2018 at 07:54.

  6. #126
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    I was also not partial to glaring greens and blues. Ken, you did a lovely job, but those things are really distracting. :P HOWEVER, they ARE useful, so my solution was to reduce their oppacity to 10%.

    AlphaDecay, it's a lot easier than it sounds.

    Locate the following files:
    ct/scripts: ct_entry.lua and ct_token.lua
    scripts: manager_maptoken.lua, manager_token.lua, and snap_token.lua

    Seatch for 'AA' on those files (make the filter case sensitive just in case). You should find AA with a hex color code, like AA00FF00 (random example). Simply change the AA to 1A in all of these, and the green and blue underlay highlights will be reduced to 10% visibility.

  7. #127
    Amazing work Ken L! I've tested and so far, so good have had no issues using the following extensions. YMMV as always. -

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by mlesnews View Post
    Amazing work Ken L! I've tested and so far, so good have had no issues using the following extensions. YMMV as always. -
    Thanks for your list of working extensions! That's very useful info.
    Fantasy Grounds Unity Lives! Good job, Smiteworks!

  9. #129
    Hi everyone,
    First of all, great job. It should be implemented in FG by default.

    I have noticed that when a PG drop to 0, it goes to background layer, did you set it like that, or it is a bug?


  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by Drogo210 View Post
    did you set it like that, or it is a bug?
    See section 5 on the main posting. It's intentional.

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