5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #131
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old-DM View Post
    I do not seem to be able to figure out how to generate a specific effect. I want to allow PC’s to use a hero point to add +10 to their next roll. It then expires. The roll could be anything, an attack, damage, heal, initiative, save, skill roll etc. I know we can add 10 to the modifier box by the chat log but I would like something more “ elegant “. If someone could post the syntax I would greatly appreciate it.
    Id modify the Hero Points extension directly.
    You would add something like this to the code:

    ModifierStack.addSlot("Hero Point", 10);

    in the onDoubleClick (or whatever it is using) event....

  2. #132
    damned's Avatar
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    yeah that works...

    the script in record_char.xml would look like this:

    					function onDoubleClick(x, y)
    						if getValue() > 0 then
    							local nodeWin = window.getDatabaseNode();
    							Debug.console("nodeWin: ", nodeWin);
    							local rActor = ActorManager.getActor("pc", window.getDatabaseNode());
    							Debug.console("rActor: ", rActor);
    							local sHeroDiceType = nodeWin.getChild("herodice").getValue();
    							Debug.console("sHeroDiceType: ", sHeroDiceType);
    							local sHeroName = nodeWin.getChild("pc_label_hero").getValue();
    							Debug.console("sHeroName: ", sHeroName);
    							local msg = {font = "msgfont", icon = "heropoints"};
    							msg.text = rActor.sName .. " is using " .. sHeroName;
    							Comm.throwDice( "dice", {sHeroDiceType}, 0, sHeroName .. " bonus" );
    							ModifierStack.addSlot("Hero Point", 10);
    						return true;

  3. #133
    Thank you giving me an answer so quickly master OB1 of Fantasy Grounds, but it is so far above my paygrade it makes my ears bleed. (No that is not the droids i am looking for) So basically I use notepad++ to open that xml file, add the line in purple exactly as typed and it works its magic. I had thought I could add a power (5e) to the players sheet and add an effect to do this task. I actually havent used the hero point extension per se. I will do this when I get back to my computer. Thank you damned, this is the second time you have rescued me.
    Ps: Immortal Supreme Deity’s must not require much sleep. (Must code in dreams)

  4. #134
    damned's Avatar
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    Locate the Hero Points for 5e extension.
    It is actually a ZIP file.
    Unzip it into the Fantasy Frounds\extensions folder in its own subfolder like \HeroPoints5e
    then you will find that file in the \campaign folder
    Edit with Notepad++ or similar
    Close FG and Open - when selecting your Campaign make sure you activate the Hero Points for 5e extension.

  5. #135
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    There isn't a way to use Hero points without the extension since hero points are not built into the ruleset. You could use preparation mode to control the number of points and for your particular requirement create an effect of ATK: 10; DMG: 10; CHECK:10; SAVE: 10 and set it to expire on next roll.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  6. #136
    Damned, your awesome instructions worked perfectly (15 minutes to completion). I really appreciate the assistance. I would not have known how to do this without your help. Thanks from Old-Dm (approximately 44 years of continuous GM experience (chainmail (74-75), 1e, 2e, 3e, 3.5 and pathfinder,4e (not long) and changed to 5e only because of FG. If I had eucalyptus leaves I would give you some.

    ps: I can create effects myself (slowly), however buying Rob Twohy's coding mods from DM Guild was a great idea and a huge time saver. (if that helps anyone else)

  7. #137
    Zacchaeus, I used damned’s method of modifying the Hero points for 5e extension and it worked great. I am going to try this as well ( maybe my players will find an amulet of heroic measure 3x per day or a book wth a new spell: Empowerment.) Thank you for the response, I am sure my players will appreciate new items found with that effect. Every time I read the forums it gives me ideas for effects for new things and better ways to automate it. The answers ( even older ones) also led me To port forwarding on my router and finally to Hamachi (works great).
    Hail Zacchaeus, Hail Damned (you have convinced me that you are geniuses) I suppose I am in the market to buy that big bridge you have for sale in the city of Neverwinter ... or was it Waterdeep?

  8. #138
    Okay I have set up a power on character sheet for each player (using Cantrips) called Cantrips Used. I am using the auto track power ext/mod. I want to set up effects to add 25 experience points each time the effect button is used (it actually counts down) and I get text on chat log saying (XP;25 or Experience; 25 or XP; add 25 etc. maybe 15 different ones) but the actual XP on sheet never changes. Obviously I have tried using different and many wrong syntax for the effect. What syntax do I need to use, for them to hit an effect button, to automatically add 25 experience points to their character sheet. Is this even possible? One of the guys we play with (maybe several) have issues with adding the right number of XP used each day from cantrips cast. Thanks in advance.

  9. #139
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    There is no effect which you can create to add experience points. XP is added via the party sheet or directly edited in the Party sheet or in the character sheet.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  10. #140
    Thanks again for your help. (saved alot of frustration trying obviously useless syntax.
    I watched your you-tube videos on creating backgrounds, classes and races. Great video's! Very helpful, but which are you Edinburgh or Glasgow? (Ehh.... about that drunkeness battle table... you must hang out with dwarves... right.)

    ps I did use your effects for hero points effects syntax to create a ring and an amulet of Heroic Action, just waiting to be found by the Pc's in our next adventure. I'll make sure they know it was thanks to the Immortal Diety Zacchaeus. Who knows maybe they will build a shrine.

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