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  1. #101
    Session 87 Part 1:
    The Shainti that traveled to the Kallow Mounds returned. Krajun-Eats What He Kills and other Sklar-Quah tell the Chief and the Sun Shaman about the recent fight. The Sun Shaman nods and says to the group, "You are true nalharest".

    He then says I will call you when all is ready.

    The group goes back to the guest yurt, and Sivath talks to Egric about calling Phaeton Skota here. She needs to buy a ring of Spell Knowledge, and he may have one. Egric does not mind if Riris calls him. Riris later relates that Phaeton says that there will be a surcharge, due to the danger that he may incur traveling to us. The time comes and goes when Phaeton should have showed up, finally he does not show.

    Riris tells the others that she dreamt of her mother, and the need to search for something? She was very drunk last night, she does not understand.

    In the morning on the 22nd of Pharast the Sun Shaman comes to the Guest Yurt and invites the Avangers to the War Council of Fire. He says that he is ready.

    When the group arrives, the Sun Shaman waits for them alone to speak with his brothers and sister. Then Krojun Eats-what-he-kills and Chief Ready-Klar join him.

    He congratulates you again on shedding their outlander status to become Sklar-Quah before inviting them to be seated around his personal fire.

    The Sun Shaman begins: I am one of the few Shoanti who retains knowledge of the secrets held before Cheliax invaded their homelands along the coast of Conqueror's Bay.

    My predecessor passed the knowledge of these times down to me, just as I plan to do for the shaman who will follow, and as I plan to now to do for you. The Sun Shaman's tale is relatively short.

    He tells of how, hundreds of years ago, one of his own ancestors was called to join a righteous cause. A man named Mandraivus, a hero from a distant nation, was gathering a small group of warriors to aid in a fight against a despotic dragon named Kazavon, and the Sun Shaman's ancestor joined this crusade. He was gone for months, and when he finally returned he was not the same man-his hands shook, his eyes carried a haunted stare, and he cried out in fear at night.

    He spoke little of what he saw while serving Mandraivus, but did say that they were successful in defeating Kazavon, and that the fortress of Scarwall was now under Mandraivus's control. He was convinced it would remain impotent as long as the hero managed to maintain a hold on it.

    While Kazavon had been defeated, his will to live was so immense that even the remains of his body twitched. The cabal had attempted to destroy the remains, but many fragments of the dragon's skeleton resisted even their most destructive spells. Mandraivus tasked seven of his surviving followers (which the Sun Shaman's ancestor counted himself among) each with claiming one of the bony relics of Kazavon's body and ordered them taken from Scarwall.

    None of the seven would communicate where they were going to the others or to Mandraivus, and they were to ensure that their chosen relics would remain hidden and guarded for all time in order to prevent the dragon from returning to life.

    The Sun Shaman's ancestor told this story to his fellow shamans, and revealed that his chosen relic was the dragon's fangs. The Shoanti took to calling them the Midnight Fangs, and they chose the ancient pyramid on the shores of Conquerer's Bay as their reliquary.

    After hiding the fangs in a secret room deep inside the pyramid, they took to the task of ensuring that the fangs remained safe. For generations, they maintained their task-until Cheliax invaded and slaughtered the Shoanti. Those few who survived and knew the secret of the fangs were forced to flee with their kin into the Cinderlands.

    For the next three centuries the knowledge was passed from Sun Shaman to Sun Shaman, and they watched with fearful eyes as the city of Korvosa grew around their ancient reliquary.

    That Queen Ileosa has discovered the Midnight Fangs and somehow tapped into their latent power troubles the Sun Shaman greatly, for he knows something of the Fangs' power. During the time they were guarded, Shoanti shamans studied the fangs and communed with the spirit world about them.

    They discovered that a fragment of Kazavon's soul remained lodged within the fangs. While this fragment alone wasn't enough to work ill upon the world, it could certainly invade the dreams of those who touched them.

    The Sun Shamans were stubborn and willful, more than a match for the fangs' temptations and promises, but a weaker mind-say, that of a petty young queen-would have no such defense.

    The Sun Shaman goes on to explain that the fragments of Kazavon's soul are like a plant-once they find suitable soil in which to grow, they can bloom into a mighty tree. This appears to be the case with Ileosa-her own cruelty and strength had been enhanced greatly by the fangs.

    Worse, she now possesses two souls-her own, and one grown from the fragment of Kazavon's. Two souls in one body, the Sun Shaman muses, would grant her incredible power over her own mortality.

    Ivar asks who this Mandrovious was and what is the Serenthal?

    The Sun Shaman recounts the sad tale of Mandrovious to Ivar (see Shaman’s Tale), and after this he suggests that: the Avangers take part in a ritual called the Blessing of the Ancestors. This is a rare ritual the Shoanti use only in times of great change-it calls upon a soul from the spirit world to seek guidance and advice on how to precede.
    He explains that: Typically, the Blessing of the Ancestors is used before making the decision to go to war on another tribe, or to abandon a long-held campsite in hopes of finding a better home, but this situation warrants the ritual as well.
    The group faces a time of great potential here, but returning to Korvosa to confront an immortal enemy would only result in their deaths. Clearly, advice is needed.
    The Sun Shaman asks the group if there is a particular spirit or ancestor with whom they have a particularly strong link-the stronger the link, the more exacting the advice granted by the Blessing of the Ancestors becomes. He asks does the group have a spirit that they are familiar with?

    Ivar says how about Zellara, that is associated with the deck that Egric carries?

    Zellara shows up in the middle of the fire. She begins the harrowing.

    She says The Marriage represents the positive past, the avengers have rescued Neolandus and Vancarlofrom certain death, Neolandus has suggested stat the Avangers seek out the Shaunti. Mandraivus and his allies long ago defeated Kazavon with the Serithtial.

    The neutral past is represented by the Foreign Traider, you have quested for not so long a time for the answers that you have been seeking, while some have died during these months, many more have lived because of your deeds. You have made allies and enemies. Ages ago Kozovan defeated the Orcs of Belkezen, for the Kingdom of Ustalav, then he betrayed his masters and Built the Castle of Scarwall. The fang of Kozovan was brought to the area someday to be known as Korvosa, but the Chalixians drove away the guardians of the item that should not have been found. It waited in the depths of Castle Korvosa for over 400 years.

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  2. #102
    Session 87 Part 2:

    The negative past the Carnival, the Queen Ileosa of Korvosa has dominion in Korvosa, like Kozovan did at Castle of Scarwall. A great evil, an ancient evil was restored onto the world, when Queen Ileosa touched the fang of Kozovan. Possessed she slew her husband King Aodred Arabasti the III, and took over Korvosa. The area suffered a great plague, following which she drove your group out of the city.

    The positive present is represented by the Midwife, you have defeated Ileosa’s forces and saved Neolandus, he is alive. There is one among you that has claim to the throne of Korvosa. The war between the Shaunti and Karvosa has been averted.

    Ivar asks the Cinibar of the Red Mantis said that Neolandus is dead, is he? No he is alive says Zellara.

    The neutral present is represented by the Rakshasa, the issue has not been decided yet, while much has been done to save the city, many more will still die. Have you fought a Rakshasa in the past, asks Zellara? Ivar says yes, they wonder if they will have to fight Crow Jr., but she says Bahor? You have not seen the last of that one.
    The negative present, is represented by the Eclipse. The spirit of Kozovan and other forces are making Queen Ileosa extremely powerful. If you do not succeed in your quest, not even Hanma’s group will be able to save the city. Beware of a great Evil that lies inside Scarwall, I am afraid so very afraid!

    This card also represents Zon-Kuthon, the lord of darkness. In the Past, it symbolizes the fact that his agents are at the heart of the troubles facing Korvosa. In the Present, it symbolizes the Brotherhood of Bones and their presence in the region. In the Future, it represents the many undead that wait for the PCs in Scarwall. In any of the three, though, the dual nature of the eclipse (an object that once provided light growing dark, or a dark object changing to provide light) symbolizes that the agents of Zon-Kuthon can both help and hinder the PCs, and that perhaps this duality is inevitable.

    The positive future is represented by the Lost, You must find the ancient magical weapon—the Serithtial, only it will have hope of defeating Ileosa and her Crown of Fangs. The Avangers knowledge and wisdom will be important in their immediate future, and that bolstering themselves against death magic and the undead would be a good move. Your allies of the Brotherhood of Bones will be important in the mission success.

    The Neutral Future is represented by the Courtesan, Before the Avangers can brave the heart of Scarwall and retrieve the Serithtial, they must lift the curse itself and exorcise a castle that has been haunted for over six hundred years.

    The negative future is represented by the Sickness, Riris looks on Zellara, and realizes that Zellara fear is palpable of going to Scarwall, if a ghost could be afraid of a place she is.

    One of your party may never leave Scarwall, I am not sure who it is. At the same time the group should be careful about how much they trust these allies, the future is uncertain, they are intertwined in all this. You will be traveling through Belkezen, the Orc’s domain. Those that were made freed in the City of Strangers will return to take vengeance.

    Ivar asked how do we get to Scarwall, the Sun Shaman said he will prepare a map.

    As Zellara finishes the Harrowing, she looks to the group again and says that she has a tale to tell them. Without further explanation, she begins to sing, her voice clear and haunting.

    Zellara's Song
    Fate of steel-Serithtial
    Her cage for years sustained
    Four enthralled in lost Scarwall;
    Undead to keep her chained.
    A spirit first, red war his thirst
    Still stands at post of old;
    A second foe, infernal soul
    Waits high in tower cold.
    In kennel's grime third bides his time
    Then vents his killing breath.
    And on a stone 'mid ash and bone,
    The final dreams of death.
    The spirits worn and battletorn
    And locked in their damnation,
    The chained one's hold at last grows old
    And ushers in salvation.
    Yet hope remains amid the chains
    When blade's stone cage has crumbled,
    Friends to dread and the death of the dead,
    Keys to Kazavon humbled.

    The sudden influx of spiritual energy hits the all the group members for the following effects to remain for the trials within Scarwall, as detailed below:

    Infused Weapon and Armor:
    The spirit world infuses one weapon, suit of armor, or shield owned by each of the PCs (even if the item in question is not present at the blessing). If the PC chooses a weapon, it gains the undead bane weapon quality. If the PC chooses armor or shield, the chosen protection gains the ghost touch armor quality.
    Infused Soul:
    The next time the PC fails a saving throw against a death effect, that effect is negated but the PC is stunned for one round as the spiritual energies in his soul are burnt away. This protection can save each PC only once from a death effect.

    After Zellara
    Chief Ready-Klar comes forward and gives the group a Ring of Protection +2, may it protect you in the journey ahead.
    Krojun Eats-what-he-kills comes forward and gives the group an Amulet of Natural Armor +2, may it guard your life when things get realy tough.
    Sun Shamans Of The Sklar Quah comes forward and gives the group a ring of force shield and a belt of stoneskin, I wish his Brothers and Sisters under the Great Sun a safe journey.

    The group went back to their yurt [To Be Continued…]

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  3. #103
    Session 88:

    It was the evening of Pharast the 22nd, and the Sun Shaman and his people went to their yurts. The group also went to their yurt, and found Phaeton Skoata waiting for them.

    He was all dusty and a bit peeved, as he described it, from being almost teleported into a desert cliff side. He explained that Egric that he called him here per Sivath’s request, and he was limited on what he could bring.

    Theu sold the gear from their portable hole, and Sivath bough a Ring of Spell Knowledge IV, and a Scroll. This will be useful Sivath smiled. Ivar was looking for a bunch of items, which Phaeton did not have. Eventually he left, but first he wished them a safe journey to wherever they were going.

    Then Ivar went to see the Sun Shaman, he spoke with the Shaman for a while, and asked him for some items, of which he was given eight Shaunti War Paints, white; and one oil of weapon blessing. Ivar thanked the Shaman, and went back to Guest Yurt. When he returned, Egric lit up his pipe, and they passed it around enjoying the tobacco, all except the Dusk bunny.

    Soon after Laori Vaus and Shadowcount Sial knocked on the deer skins, and entered the yurt.

    When Sial and Laori greet the PCs, the two are eager to ally with them. They seem eager to please the Avangers than each other. They explain that they have been following the events in Korvosa and the rise of Kazavon's spirit in the body of Queen Ileosa. They are aware that the group seek to overthrow Ileosa's tyranny by taking from her the power the Crown of Fangs has granted her. Since the only way to do so is with Serithtial, a weapon that neither of the Brotherhood agents can wield, they need the group. And since many of Scarwall's defenses can be bypassed by worshipers of Zon-Kuthon, you will need the Brotherhood. The situation explained, Sial and Laori would like to propose a truce.

    Laori suggests that the group should be able to pick which of the two Brotherhood agents the group are willing to trust and prefer to travel with. The group chose Laori, the Shadowcount wished them much luck and left the yurt.

    On the morning of Pharast the 23rd, they woke up and said their good bye to the Sklar Quah tribe they were adopted into. Accept Crow all of a sudden surprised them that he found a local girl he wished to settle with, it seems somehow he succeeded in sleeping with her in his spare time, and he loved her so much that he could not bear to be parted from her.

    So Sivath conjured two Phantom Chariots and they were about to leave the village when they heard Krajun-Eats-what he Kills yell: “My Brothers and Sisters, am Krajun-Eats-what he Kills, I shall always be your friend”.

    They road all day, until they ran into what appeared to be some Centaurs being attacked by a large war party of Orcs. The Orcs already hurt the centaurs, Eliera cast blessing of fervor, and Sivath cast Haste, and the group attacked the Orcs. It was a brutal fight, the Orcs had a sorceress, a cleric and a druid. The cleric failed to cast the spell slay living, while the sorceress cast fire ball and cloud kill on the group. Riris cast spells and hexes like she was possessed. Eliera blessed her friends, and Egric and the other melee attacked the orc fighters, including their chief. Soon it was over, but the Sorceress, she cried in Common, they forced me to do it. They all believed her, but Riris said I was raped by an Orc, all Orcs must die. Then Riris, Ivar, The Dusk Bunny and finally Egric attacked her, than she was dead.

    I am Broxias, the biggest Centaur says, I am the leader of the Green Covenant Tribe. For decades now I has been a wise and cautious leader, ever protective of my people. Broxias tells you that he nonetheless attempts to avoid conflict whenever possible, but this time we had a trainee with us, she twisted a leg, while being chased by Orcs. We were lucky, you came when you did, thank you. He also tells you, that the tribe was on the way to the Druid grove when they were beset by the Orcs. Twenty minutes ago, the Green Covenant Tribe attacked by Orc Slavers, caught off guard the tribe was decimated. Many were killed by the Orc. Brixias is fighting for his life. Many members of the Council of the wise are dead. Urybeidon is still alive but barely, the rest are dead. When the smoke clears, Wezeus body is no where to be found. Orc tracks lead to Urglin.

    Egric searched the dead bodies, they found some loot and distributed it, and Rirs told the group that she found a Staff of Power in her inventory that was given her by her mother [to Be Continued…].
    Last edited by dellanx; June 24th, 2018 at 08:58.

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  4. #104
    Session 89:

    The group slept in the “tiny hut”, while party members looked out onto the trees beyond the boundaries of Sivath’s spell. All was quiet, as they slept. In the morning they ate breakfast, and came out of their magical shelter.

    Katlin looked around, something seemed strange here. Then she saw a note pinned with a dagger to a tree. Katlin read it out loud:

    “The Price of Freedom was too high for us. Slavery was our choice; all we wanted to do was stay together. Raised to pay back out debts, you left us no choice, we had to do this. We blame the ones that freed us. You doomed us, now you will share our fate. P.S. Thanks for the 20 gp”

    They looked at one another, Sivath asked if those slaves we freed before Kaer Maga, could these be them? Egric thought maybe, but he thinks that the note may be written by the two slaves him and Riris freed in Kaer Maga. They asked him more questions, and he said that they were rogues, but very odd, because, when they were free, they solved themselves into slavery, and Egric thought this not may be theit. After some deliberation, they decided to move on.

    They moved at half of their speed that the chariots afforded them, but that still got them to the druid grove by the early evening of Pharast 24th. They saw a clearing. They were stopped by a driad, that mistook them for in the dusky twilight. They saw shod humanoid tracks on the way here, now they knew what that they faced Orcs.

    Egric explored ahead, and he found a hidden brook After some time you get to a clearing, up ahead is a small body of water near the cliff-side, with a souring water faYou find a hidden brook.

    After some time you get to a clearing. You notice tracks, humanoid tracks. Up ahead is a small body of water near a Cliffside, with a waterfall pouring feeding it. The druid grove is behind the falls said the centaurs. An arrow hits at your feet, a women’s voice says “Stop Orc, ot I will shoot.” “Fauriel Nerihorn The Dryad ?” asked one of the centaurs. “Who asked that?” Ivar said “We are no Orcs.”

    She told them that Orcs came and entered the druid grove they have been here a while, I can’t leave my tree. They assured her that they will help, they entered the waterfall, and found a cave.

    Egric scouted ahead, he found a side passages that lead into a chamber with several large compost piles. He moved on through more passages and found door. He unlocked the door, and found a prison cell, that until recently may have been occupied. He realized that the Prison Cell bars have been bent, many footprints on the ground here.

    He moves into a large chamber with a deep body of water, and is attacked by wines. A battle is joined, as group members come into the prison cell they join the battle. Sivath finds out that electricity and fire don’t do much against these, while Ivar is 99.99% sure that these creature plants never thought a day in its life. Him and Katlin attack the vines. Riris, Eliera, and Laori bring up the rear; they get to the prison cell, as Egric withdraws from the fight. The healers rush to him, Riris cures him first, then Eliera. Then Egric rushes back in, and almost drowns before the last vine is chopped up.

    They survey the carnage, there was a fight here, one does not need to be a tracker to know that. Druids and Orcs lie here in death, where they fought each other in life [To be continued….].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  5. #105
    Session 90:

    The group was in the cave with a dank green lake, there were cut vines all over the place, dead orcs and naked druids were everywhere. Then they heard a rumble, and the earth shook. Eliera felt pain, and dropped to the ground. A rock fell from the cave ceiling and hit the fair Eliera on the head. She looked around and said “Who are you people?”

    Are you ok said Sivath and Laori Vaus at the same time. Riris looked at Eliera’s eyes, and said “You realy should get an umbrella, dear Eliera”. Laori said she must have lost her memory, if she can’t remember who we are. Laori said “how many fingers do I have?” “Two” said Eliera, looks like it is just your short term memory, you may even be able to get it back. She checks some more, and decides with a smirk, that Eliera is still disgustingly Chaotic Good, but keeps that conclusion to herself, and says “You must have your connection to your goddess, why don’t you try to cast”. Eliera did, and took up the hand that the elf cleric in spiky armor offered and got up.

    Around the slightly dazed and confused Eliera stood some of the best specimens of humanity she ever seen. There was Egric the secretive rogue, his companion Riris the winter Witch and her Familiar Dusk Briarthorn. There was the fair red haired maiden in full plate armor that said her name is “Katlin”. Near her was the radiant and beautiful Sivath the sorceress. Above Sivath stood Ivar the Shaonti Barbarian, now what tribe was he from, Eliera though, “I should know this, I should know where we are going, I should know where we have been, thank Shalyn I still know that I am a cleric of Shalyn”. Her eyes turned to the forlorn elf, the black haired Cleric of Zon Kuthon, Eliera shuddered as the smiling elf said her name is “Laori Vaus”. Eliera thought “I must be here for a reason”, and said “Let’s go, after I heel us”.

    Egric moved ahead of the group north and east, they found an unlocked door. Eliera noticed that Egric was very efficient at what he did, he checked every door for traps then opened it, very impressive she thought. Beyond the door was a druid training area, fire still burnt in a large brazier, several training dummies were on the north side of the room. A table with some common spell components and herbs were against the east wall. The room must have been ransacked; druid bodies were lying all over the floor. They checked the whole room, but found nothing, but a coin. They figured out that the coin had an image of Zon Kuthon on it. Laori as well as the others, especially Egric recognized the image on the coin.

    Egric went west to a door, and opened the door. This must have been the druid sleeping area, the door to this area was wide open. Several cooking braziers' were still lit. In the center they saw a table and chairs for taking meals. There were several chambers with simple bunks made of wood and furs in these alcoves. Otherwise the area was empty.

    They backtracked and found a storage area to the north-east. Egric and the dusk bunny explored the dark area, and saw a werewolf eating a man, possibly a druid. The beast was pulling out the corpses entrails and eating them with a relish. Egric went into the room first, but the beast came at him. Even though invisible Egric was badly hit by the beast’s teeth, to Egric the idea of having human flesh like that on the floor, seemed possibly a nice alternative for a brief second. Then he attacked the beast, and brought it up and down near Ivar. While Eliera, Riris, Sivath and Laori moved toward the sound of fighting, Katlin, Egric, Dusk Bunny, and Ivar finished off the beast. They saw it turn into its true form, an orc male. They found ring on its finger.

    They moved south to the intersection and traveled east and south. At an open door they saw a room full of orcs having their way with a human female that looked like a druid. Their enemies and the druid female victim were in a well appointed apartment. Several braziers warmed the room, a mahogany desk and chairs stood on a white carpet decorated with green, red and gold flowers. The woman screams enraged Egric, that he found the nearest Orc and sneak attacked him where he stood.

    Then a battle broke out. There were many orcs in this room, and a bottleneck formed at the entry where Ivar faced many opponents. Egric was somewhat preoccupied with his assailants, while the dusk bunny summoned an illusionary wolf.

    Sivay, Eliera, Riris and Loari had very poor line of fire, while Katlin and the bunny tried to the cave chamber. Ever so slowly the entry cleared up, and more spells were thrown into the room. One by one their beastly enemies died, and the remainders of the orcs were squished into an adjacent chamber. Then finally the last orc tan into the west room and yelled, it was them, they did it, and died as Eliera killed it with her holy glaive.

    The woman corrected her torn clothing, and the group healed themselves. They searched the orcs and found some valuable loot on them. Laori bent over and picked up something, then again, and again and again. She showed the group coins with Zon Kuthon’s image. She cast speak with dead and spoke with the dead orcs. They told her that a shadowy human and his chain devil companion, hired them and told them that they have to invade this druid grove. The gold was nice, but suffering of these druids was even better the dead orcs said. Egric and Ivar tried to appraise Laori’s intentions, and realized she had been a true ally, and upset at the actions of Shadowcount Sial.

    The druid they saved from shame and even worse was Flora Nerihorn, a servant of nature, that was captured by the orcs. Flora asked them to hurry, she feared for the Lady of the Lake in the grand chamber. She explained that the way was through the plant wall to the east, she pointed to the lever that opened the passage into the next room.

    They saw a large glowing cave with an underground lake. A ruined stairway, that may lead out of the cave, with sun shining through the portal? Is it not Night? They noticed a group of orcs standing near by a gagged and tied-up captive [To be Continued….].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  6. #106
    Session 91:
    As the great rock disappeared the Avengers saw the orcs on a platform across a great room. An Orc in a cooks outfit was cutting carrot chips and other vegetables into a huge stew pot big enough for a full grown humanoid. Nearby tied up was a blue female with green hair. By the looks of it the beasts wanted to cook her whole. Because the ground shook when the entry way was opened, the orcs turned and started moving down the stairs.

    Although the orcs had deadly archers, but the Avangers had Dusk Briarthorn, who shot his “wand of hold person” and the Orc stopped in his tracks. Ivar moved toward the orcs before Sivath could get him with haste. Then an Orc archer hit him with a bunch of arrows square in the chest.

    Then an Orc Cleric laid a blade barrier in the groups path, preventing passage through it, so they went around it. Sivath cast confusion at a concentration of orcs which made the ones that were not asleep or paralyzed very confused. While, Sivath, Riris, Eliera, and Laori tried to dispel the blade barrier, Ivar, Katlin and Egric went around it. The confusion in the orc ranks caused major problems, orcs mainly did damage to other orcs, sometimes they acted normally and other times they hit each other in the face. The sorceress could not use her spells continually, even though when she did she used fireball and firesnake quite effectively.

    The blue skinned captive with green hair tried to put the Orc Chef to sleep, but succeeded in angering him. The Orc Chef attacked her, it was lucky for her that she put him to sleep, because he was mad enough to cut her up into little pieces.

    As the cleric cast spells, Sivath counter spelled them with dispel magic, making deadly spells harmless. Ivar was feeling quite hurt, when the blade barrier was dispelled by Laori and Eliera got to him and began healing the melee group members near the western stairway edge.

    As the orcs were dying all around them, they heard from where they came in Elven “Give up the one that freed us, and you may have your lives!” Katlin interpreted what the voices said, in the cave beyond the entrance to the grand cave they were in.

    Wolves and bat swarms started coming into the grand cave, while Riris cast Thorny Entanglement, which entangled some of the wolves and the young boy that came into the cave, the girl was not affected. Riris used the staff of power to kill several bat swarms, while one of the bat swarms got in among them and started doing minor damage to the party members, Riris destroyed two whole swarms with a fireball from her staff. They delt easily with most of the giant wolves, soon there were three wolves left. Then the Zamufi’s closed in [To Be Continued…].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  7. #107
    Session 92:
    Riris made a wall of ice that cut off the two wolves. Adisha Zamufi yelled “join us Egric, and receive your reward” after she attacked him, while her brother Simitru Zamufi moved around from the east. Egric attacked her and missed, while Katlin, Ivar, Sivath and Eliera moved to aid Egric. Riris healed her friend Egric. Egric was a bit confused why would the two Zamufis wist to hurt him, all him and Riris tried to do was save the two from slavery at a great cost in money and blood. The Zamufi behavior made no sense at all. Riris was angry, she cast Slumber Adisha Zamufi but it did not work.

    Laori summoned three shadows that attacked Simitru Zamufi. Katlin and Ivar viciously Adisha Zamufi, while Eliera cast bless on the party. Laori attacked the remaining Orc, while Sivath’s ball lightning killed the bat swarm.

    Surrender him and leave this place, he will be well taken care of Egric yelled Simitru Zamufi, as his sister went down from their blows. Devoid of allies, but not intimidated by Ivar, the youthfull looking male Zamuthi went down from Egrics, Katlins and Ivar’s blows.

    Then they saw Adisha Zamufi get up and vanish from sight, so Ivar tried to cut off Simitru’s head. He thought he managed to do it.

    Adisha yelled from the cave, “We found out that our guilt did not end with our death as a humanoid, it merely shifts its focus to our new vampire existence. For the first two weeks, after a single unwilling kills, we subsists exclusively on cats, dogs, and rodents for nourishment, unable to bring himself to kill humanoid beings. Gradually we gave in to our true nature and its demand for humanoid blood, we need you Egric, because it was you who is responsible from freeing us from our slave masters, and making it necessary for us to seek servitude to repay your deeds. It was a vampire that we served as indentured servants, a totally amoral being; he showed us what it is like to have this new “life”. Join us and release us from this anguish, we need you to show us how to end this never-ending cycle of guilt, frustration. Give up and embrace the oblivion of eternal sleep and give up the sun.”

    They looted the corpses, and were distracted all the items to notice that Simitru Zamufi was gone [To be Continued….].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  8. #108
    Session 93:
    It was the 24th of Pharast, Zelenushka thanked the group for saving her and the few other druids. After the cleanup of the bodies of orcs, and other beast, which Zelenushka planned to use for compost, the remaining occupants made a rather tasty vegetarian dinner for everyone. It was morning on the 25th, when they woke. They spent several days at the druid grove, helping Zelenushka with repairs.

    Riris contacted Egric’s sister Marlessa, and Merlessa told Riris in her dream that they made it to Magnimar. They got in touch with Kynndors Thok’s uncle Anton Ghanafini, who was very surprised and glad to see them. Anton is a manager of a warehouse for a company known as Red Kestrel Imports. It is a large red waterfront warehouse near the northern end of Ordellia flies six different flags above its large primary doors—Absalom, Cheliax, Osirion, Katapesh, Sargava, and bove them all the flag of Magnimar. Those are the nations that the company has warehouses in. His uncle was glad we arrived, because he recently got a note that he owes money to a local protection racket, he has to pay his monthly fee of 400 gp, or else, which he has been paying. He hopes that the price will not go up. On the 26th of Pharast, Riris contacted Crow to see if he could find any business opportunities with the Shaunti?

    On the 27th of Pharast they leave the Druid Grove, Sivath casts two Phantom Chariot spells and they ride off north east through Belkezen. They stop for the night and rest in the Tiny Hut, then ride again on the 28th of Pharast. Laori casts Restoration on Egric, and he gains his negative level back.

    Soon after they approached Castle Scarwall. The castle looms at the eastern tip of the Kodar Mountains in the northern region of the Hold of Belkzen. Once a relatively active volcanic range, the volcanoes here have long since gone dormant. Nonetheless, the volcanism left behind some truly remarkable terrain features, and it was among one of these that Kazavon chose to build his new home. The castle itself sits atop a small island in a crater lake in the caldera of a dormant volcano at an elevation of 1,500 feet over the surrounding terrain. These barren hills are desolate, with little more than a few isolated scrub trees and lichens growing here and there. Zellara showed up for a short period of time, and said that she was afraid of the Castle. Egric asked if there was anything he could do, and she said no, then Egric gave Zellara a hug, and she de-materialized.

    Guarding the only land approach to Castle Scarwall is a barbican gatehouse that stands at the tip of a small peninsula. The barbican consists of a crumbling curtain wall flanking the remains of two gatehouse towers, the western one of which has collapsed. The other tower, though battered, still stands and supports a ramshackle lean-to built against it. It was here that the group approached.

    They came under fire from orc black arrows from the barbican, while wolves and orcs attacked them by land, and died by their swords. Under constant arrow fire, Katlin and Ivar broke down the door that lead into a barracks.

    This crude wood structure served as a place to sleep for the orc fighters. Its 10-foothigh interior is smoky and stinks of orc sweat and worse. The rough walls are adorned with all sorts of trophies and trinkets. A fire pit occupies the center of the room with a smoke hole directly above it. A ladder rises through a hole in the ceiling, the group climbed the ladder to a parapet above. The door here was barred from the inside, and Katlin and Ivar could not open it, so Sivath shrunk it.

    They killed more orcs and a wolf, in more vicious fighting, they looked in the next room and saw a stairway leading up [To be Continued….].

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

  9. #109
    I love following this thread, keeping up with your game has been most entertaining. Not many people keep their progress updated. But this is a nice thing to do. Thank you for taking the time, and you have inspired me to do the same. Keep up the good work and hope to see you around some time.
    FG Ultimate License Holder!
    "I reject your reality and substitute my own."
    Adam Savage, Mythbusters

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by Rogue View Post
    I love following this thread, keeping up with your game has been most entertaining. Not many people keep their progress updated. But this is a nice thing to do. Thank you for taking the time, and you have inspired me to do the same. Keep up the good work and hope to see you around some time.
    Thank you very much, I am glad you are enjoying the story!

    These are the modules and extensions created and/or taken over by dellanx for PFRPG.

    I had a lot of help and advice from many here at FG.

    Thank You!

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