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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Isanti, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzar View Post
    How does the NPC Identification work?
    Similar to Item Identification. When an NPC is added to the CT, it displays the "non-ID" name. The GM can click on the "ID" button to display the "real" name of the NPC.

  2. #32
    Strange.. I am using 3.3.6 (5e) and not seeing anything like this. I assume the Non-ID name would be in the record sheet of the NPC.

    I am seeing the ID button for the items but not NPC's.

  3. #33
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzar View Post
    Strange.. I am using 3.3.6 (5e) and not seeing anything like this. I assume the Non-ID name would be in the record sheet of the NPC.

    I am seeing the ID button for the items but not NPC's.
    Have you switched on the option NPC: Identification in options?
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  4. #34
    Started Fantasygrouds_x64.exe

    Clicking on settings from the main screen opens settings but returns you to the 32bit version when you're done.

  5. #35
    The Options that Zacchaeus is referring to are available for each campaign via the Options button in the top right of the tabletop once your campaign is loaded. (Not the Settings on the launch screen)


  6. #36
    A quick note to those checking out the NPC identification feature. The feature will be going through another revision next week (along with other identification options as well), once I return from being out of town.


  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    Have you switched on the option NPC: Identification in options?
    @Zacchaeus, thank you. That enabled it.

    However @Moon Wizard, @Ken L and @Zacchaeus, I noticed that when I set the NPC in the encounter to be Not Identified, the CT has the Unidentified name, but the Token still shows the real name of the NPC. Is that happening for you?

    More info: When adding the encounter and adding an NPC to it, the Non-ID name does not default to Unidentified Creature. Also, it seems that the Token name is taken from the main name of the NPC (the top field of the NPC record sheet). That field does not appear to be overwritten when the NPC is not identified.
    Last edited by Mazzar; June 24th, 2018 at 16:39.

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Isanti, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzar View Post
    However @Moon Wizard, @Ken L and @Zacchaeus, I noticed that when I set the NPC in the encounter to be Not Identified, the CT has the Unidentified name, but the Token still shows the real name of the NPC. Is that happening for you?
    Yeah, but MW has already said he's going to re-visit the NPC identification feature. So, hopefully that will get fixed at that time.

  9. #39
    - nvm -
    Last edited by Ken L; June 24th, 2018 at 17:40.

  10. #40
    That's great! Thank you. Looking forward to going live with this in my campaigns. Lots of nice features. The ID feature is a great addition! All the others in advanced kombat are excellent too.

    BTW, did you intend to hide the tokens when placing them on the map from the Encounter window? That appears to work great now. They are hidden when placing so my players have no idea that they are coming. I have been caught a couple of times in the past. Now we can use the Encounters feature as well as your NPC placement feature (which is also a great feature for a quick encounter) and all tokens are hidden. I believe this only happens with the Advanced Kombat extension. I would suggest bringing that piece into the main FG codebase too.

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