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  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Plutwo View Post
    You seem to be forgetting that a mutiny was stopped on your ship before it was started. Then, two highly skilled bounty hunters were brought down after they boarded your derelict ship, but before they could raid it.
    you seem to be forgetting about everything that happened before that...

  2. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonthelamb View Post
    you seem to be forgetting about everything that happened before that...
    How could I forget? I wasn’t there for anything before that. I wasn’t playing yet.

    What I do remember is that we’ve saved your ship twice, captured an even more valuable ship, towed your derelict ship into the nearest station, and are getting your nearly totaled ship repaired and vastly upgraded for practically free.

    But I did manage to snag a hair necklace and a pair of handcuffs so my Darknon Station Ye Old Kink Shoppe is nearly off the ground.

  3. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Plutwo View Post
    How could I forget? I wasn’t there for anything before that. I wasn’t playing yet.

    What I do remember is that we’ve saved your ship twice, captured an even more valuable ship, towed your derelict ship into the nearest station, and are getting your nearly totaled ship repaired and vastly upgraded for practically free.

    But I did manage to snag a hair necklace and a pair of handcuffs so my Darknon Station Ye Old Kink Shoppe is nearly off the ground.
    So you shouldn’t be penalized for not being there is what you’re saying if I’m correct. Sounds like a bit of a double standard?

  4. #94
    Lord Kavos's Avatar
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    They certainly could have left colph on the last chance...but of course it is up to you how your pc handles the whole situation - nothing like a bit of tension to spice up the party lol...
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    Discord: Lord Kavos (UTC+10)#6088

  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonthelamb View Post
    So you shouldn’t be penalized for not being there is what you’re saying if I’m correct. Sounds like a bit of a double standard?
    If I’m ever absent for a few sessions, and when I come back things have gotten not only better for the group, but drastically better specifically for my character in the story/RP sense, I’d be showing my fellow players gratitude and appreciation for a job well done.

  6. #96
    Lord Kavos's Avatar
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    I all,

    Sorry for the quiet week, been a bit busy...

    i have put up the next session time on the calendar, same day/time as usual this week.

    Also stay tuned for a bulletin from Kasy Starider, the galaxy's foremost reporter with a special report live from the galaxy's seat of power...
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    Discord: Lord Kavos (UTC+10)#6088

  7. #97
    Lord Kavos's Avatar
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    [Holo-Net ] Special News Bulletin #2

    ------------------------BEGIN TRANSMISSION-------------------------

    This is Kasy Starrider reporting for HoloNet News…, live from the seat of the galactic senate on Coruscant where a terrible attack has taken place today.

    CAMERA PANS - The front steps of the senate chamber is packed with imperial security forces, medics and reporters, along with scores of injured and stunned senators.

    In a disturbing move today rebel terrorists have detonated an explosive device within the senate chamber, while the senate was in session discussing the growing instability in the outer regions of the galaxy. While the investigation is still in its infancy, initial reports say the explosion has claimed the lives of at least 15 senators, with another 50+ senators wounded, some still in a serious condition.

    At this time there is only sketchy information regarding this unprecedented attack, but several eyewitnesses have reported seeing a small group of senators leaving the site of the blast only moments before the explosion.

    Coruscant Security Forces chief Julian Vrek had the following to say at the press conference following today's tragic events.

    "We condemn the perpetrators of today's attack on our galaxy's leaders. The actions of the rebellion have forever marred this day, and we will not stop until we have brought those responsible to justice. We are currently searching for senators Bail Organa of Alderaan, Mon Mothma of Chandrilla and Garn Bel-Iblis of Corellia, who are wanted for questioning in connection with today's event and are missing at this time. We are calling upon all concerned citizens to report any sightings of these individuals, who are considered armed and dangerous."

    In a not so surprising move Emperor Palpatine has called for sweeping investigations into the activities of several other senators suspected of having ties to the rebellion, and has called off remaining senate sessions while investigators search the blast site for further evidence of those behind this evil deed.

    In a statement just received by this network, the Emperor has joined the growing condemnation of the agents responsible for today's massacre.

    "I will not allow these rebels to destabilize our democracy that has stood for thousands of years. I want to assure all loyal citizens of the Empire that I will be personally taking control of this investigation and will not stop until those responsible are found and punished for their treasonous actions."

    ----------------------END TRANSMISSION------------------------------
    Ultimate License
    FG Server: brawny ogre firm gate

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    Discord: Lord Kavos (UTC+10)#6088

  8. #98
    Looking forward to tomorrow's game
    FGC Standard Licence, FGU demo
    Time zone: GMT+0
    Rulesets Played: DND 5e, CoC, D6, D20, limited experience with RM, WHRPG
    Licence holder since 2008, coming back from a few year's break (kids, argh!)

  9. #99
    Lovely game last night Kavos, as always thanks for the time you put in for us!! And thanks everyone else for taking down out enemies so Elisara didn't perish in a public toilet

    As it was left last night, our group has at least four options as to our next move:

    1. continue on to explore the passage/secret entrance as we were originally trying to do
    2. go question our friend Clark Gable the customs officer, who may have sent the bounty hunters after us, and may know more about the movement of Imperial supplies than he lets on
    3. Put some pressure on the Rodian bartender of the Stormview lounge, who may possibly be eavesdropping on his patrons and may have some inside information on how he stays so well supplied (Elisara has somewhat endeared herself to him which may help)
    4. Do as Gregior the rebel bounty suggested and infiltrate the control tower, using the sensor array to scan the nebula and see what exactly might be going on in there

    There may be more options that arent accounted for at this time. I guess we need to discuss how covert/overt we want to be at this time while the Duros engineer is hiding bodies/prisoners for us and someone on the station is clearly out to get us - whilst also planning an escape route for when **** hits the fan (or maybe to slip away quietly).

    We also need to watch out for the trandoshans that Colph has "teamed up" with; if they suspect him of trying to pull one over on then by claiming the bounty for himself, they may not be too happy.

    Elisara is not a confrontational person so she would choose the path of least shooting/trouble, but she has seen the combat prowess of her comrades and, combined with her recent success with a blaster and her acquisition of some properly fitting armor, she has more confidence now. Still she would argue that talk has served them well so far, and maybe they could get the information they needed by (kindly) questioning the bartender - if we want to expose the fact that there are survivors of this encounter.

    Also if we can take the risk, she would like to purchase some medical supplies at the Galaxy Shop, as I neglected to say what she was shopping for in the downtime :P
    FGC Standard Licence, FGU demo
    Time zone: GMT+0
    Rulesets Played: DND 5e, CoC, D6, D20, limited experience with RM, WHRPG
    Licence holder since 2008, coming back from a few year's break (kids, argh!)

  10. #100
    Max think the group should do these four tasks in this order 3 (seems as the least likely to cause a gun fight, except for the transdocians), 1 (as that is where Max suspects Clark Gable (2) will be, maybe with some storm troopers). 4 once the group has for the most part secured the station, I mean what are we going to do if we do find something?

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