Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    LFP - 5E D&D - Need 3 Players Friday Afternoons 1pm MDT - HomeBrew Campaign

    Title: LFP - 5E D&D - Need 3 Players Friday Afternoons 1pm MDT - HomeBrew Campaign
    FG License: GM has Ultimate License
    Game System: D&D 5E

    Time Zone: Mountain Daylight Time (UTC - 6)
    Day of week and time: Friday Afternoon starting at 1pm
    New game: First Week of July (6th)
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 hour sessions. Weekly (1 Week Breaks When Needed/Discussed)
    Term: Long term - Prefer relatively new or inexperienced players to grow with the group but old time players won't be discriminated against!

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Voice software used: Discord

    Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
    Number of Players in game & needed: Need 3 players to join 2 that have already committed
    Character starting level & equipment: 1st level with standard array

    Character restrictions:

    No Evil Characters or characters that purposefully go against the party
    These Core rule books and supplement books are open:
    • Players Handbook
    • Elemental Evil Player's Companion
    • Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
    • Volo's Guide to Everything
    • Xanathar's Guide to Everything

    Details of your scenario:

    The last golden age was over 1000 years ago and through the centuries prosperity and equality have been dwindling. More recently, the lands have seen more chaos as people use any means necessary to survive through the day. With the increased disarray comes societal and political instability which has turned many cities and realms into a state of turmoil. Amidst this havoc power structures have shifted, military unease continues to grow as whispers of the beginnings of war start to spread, and new coalitions begin to form. The characters are a group of farm hands (who know little about the large world except for what they have read) struggling to make it by in a world fraught with economic disparity. Although they work for an honest old man, there is barely enough work to go around to make more than enough money to scrape by, and the safety of transporting goods has been questioned. The farm work will be good enough for today, however, the group of new friends is very concerned about their survival/means on this farm for the very near future.


    Players requesting spots in this forum will be considered.
    Please respond with experience playing, what you are looking for in a group and DM, and anything other preferences you might consider for a good group/sessions.

  2. #2
    Hi I'm interested in your game. Is the campaign time period set in good ole medieval D@D time? That's my preference. I am an old school DD player and I would like to play a first level fighter or Rogue. I am a newbie to FG I have the PHB,DM guide and MM and mine of Phalndeer or whatever its called. I've played in two campaigns so far and I have a weekly Thursday 7pm group and am going to FG college to learn to DM. I would like a DM to be punctual as well should I, one who is rather strict in making people role for HD, keep up spell rest necessity, and almost all stats.. so if you die you die. I would also like a possible turn at DM too. Your time is fine with me! I too am MDT and am free at 1pm. I live in MT. Let me know if you need to know anything..Your Start date is great for me..

  3. #3
    Hello Rabidbat,

    The campaign is set in a low to middle magic setting. This does not mean there are little to few magic items for players, just more so that magic is not everywhere like you might see in Spelljammer. I am punctual and check my discord multiple times a day and encourage my players to talk about the campaign during the week on discord if they have time. As previously stated I do use the stat array for stats and not rolling for them. I have my own specific rule for Hit Die that allows players to role for hit die, however, if they roll less then half I automatically give them half the hit die; I think its pretty demoralizing to have a fighter that rolled 1,2,1,3,1 for their first 5 levels. Spell rest for me is completely by the book. As for death I do not fudge rolls and if you die you die. However, if the players come up with a unique way to bring the character back to life (say through a demonic pact) there will be specific consequences and role playing aspects that will occur. As far as DMing is concerned I plan on doing all the DMing for my campaign. When the campaign comes to an end very far down the road I would be interested in becoming a player at some point. It sounds like my type of game may be more liberal than your old school DnD roots and that should be something you consider before starting a long term campaign with us.

  4. #4

    I would be interested in your Campaign. I'm not super experienced (started with D&D 5e and FG this year). Currently I'm playing in 3 campaigns (one is bi-weekly during the week and the other two are sundays). I'm in a different time zone (UTC +2), but your time would work for me. The things I'm looking for in a group and DM are: punctuality & commitment to the campaign & group and being able to have fun.

  5. #5
    Hi, i am brand new to FG and am interested in joining a campaign. i am a 30 year D&D player and have recently come under a physical disability and it has opened up some extra time. @#$%^&^*@#$%*^, well, i better just make the best of it! i have played basic-4.0 and have owned every rule set from tsr -wotc and was a founding member of DDO. in fact, our guild was the first ever to take down the original dragon. I will need some very basic instruction about FG but will pick it up very quickly. I love following the rules in most cases but like your hit die rule in your previous post; i agree 100% and absolutely would hate to play a level 5 fighter with 8hp. l am also interested in just sitting in for a session even in you fill up, just to check out the workings of FG. Thanks, Wardogg.

  6. #6
    Gibson400's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Phoenix, Arizona, USA
    Hello GreenJelloPhD!
    I would be very interested in joining your campaign. I am an old timer, having started playing D&D in 1984 and have been playing and DMing ever since. I did skip 4th edition. Anyway, I am currently running two D&D campaigns on FG now, one of which has been going steady with the same group for over 2 years now. That said, I have been searching for an opportunity to play again and your campaign sounds perfect. I live in AZ and have Friday afternoons off so the time is perfect. I love playing any sort of character but I prefer to keep my builds simple so I can keep my role playing centered on my character's fundamental characteristics, flaws and personality. I have no issue with your homebrew HD policy and do something similar myself. I use opposed roles for healing so the DM and the player role the dice for healing and the character gets the higher of the two rolls.
    I am in my 50's and would rather play with mature players. Had some bad experiences with really young players. From the DM's perspective, I would expect my DM to be firm but fair. I would hope that you would favor the "rule of cool" over the strictest sense of the rules. Don't get me wrong, I think the rules are very important and are necessary, however if I come up with some really cool John Woo, Matrix type trick during an encounter I would hope that this sort of creativity would be considered over the strictest adherence to the rules. Just my 2 cents.
    Anyway, I hope you will consider my petition to join your merry band of farmers (I am a midwestern farm boy at heart!).
    Thanks for your time!

  7. #7
    Hello Everyone,

    We currently have enough players so consider this thread closed!


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